

I wanted to update the baby products we have used so far during the first three months. I already did a post about we used during the first month, which I’m going to do a top-level sweep of here just so it’s in one place. But definitely check out that post if you want a more in-depth review of things. (Oh jeez, side note, it is crazy how much Jack has changed between the photo from that post and this one!)

Here are some of the things we used the most during the second and third month:

Kyte Sleep Sacks // I transitioned Jack out of a swaddle pretty early (started the process around 8 weeks). I switched him into these sleep sacks and they are so good. I ended up ordering two more (so we have three now) to rotate through between laundry days. They come in different TOGs for different climates and Jack just seems so cozy in his. I swear it’s what helped him start sleeping the longest stretches during the night.

Kyte Sleepers // I had purchased one of the jammies on a whim while pregnant and it quickly became a favorite of mine once he fit into it. I ordered a few more so I always have one or two clean ones available. They’re a great material and seem to be worth the price so far. Jack is still in the 0-3 month size– they kind of stretch to fit more sizes too so you get more bang for your buck.

Pajama Tops // I put Jack in the sweetest little pajama set (top and bottom, not one piece) one night. During an overnight diaper change, I kept the bottoms off and just put him back in the sleep sack withe top and diaper. It’s a game changer for the diaper changes in the middle of the night when you’re tired and it’s dark. It looks a little funny to see him just in a top and diaper, but also adorable.

Play Gym // Okay, this kid is obsessed with the play gym. I think it’s all part of the normal development, but wow. He loves it. (And this mom loves it because he can entertain himself!) I registered for this “aesthetic” one, haha, and so far it seems to be doing the trick. But I have a feeling I’ll have to upgrade to something with a little more going on (colors, textures, sounds) as he gets a little bigger– or at least get some more things to hang off the bar. So far the one little bell and few rings seems to really keep him busy.

Bouncer // I also registered for this bouncer. I tried it with Jack when he was little, but he didn’t love it… at first. When we were on Nantucket, I just had this feeling he needed a bouncer and, of course, I hadn’t packed one– because I thought he didn’t like it! I bought a little seat that I found in a store on island, but once we got home, I popped him into the bouncer I had and, wow, he loved it! I prop it up sort of nearby me when I’m in the kitchen and he’ll just sit and watch me.

Toy Bar // I bought this toy bar for the bouncer and it’s been a huge hit! I wish it came with the bouncer instead of having to buy an additional product, but it has been worth it so far.

Trifold Tummy Time // Last month, I did a campaign with Kiwico for their Panda Crate and this trifold thing was part of the first crate. I can’t find the exact product online, but here’s a similar idea. The key is to get something with a mirror. He loooooves staring at himself and it makes him last a lot longer on his belly.

Board Books // We’ve been doing a lot of books. Of course, he’s three months old so he certainly doesn’t have a favorite. We have a huge collection of books from baby gifts and I take a few out every day to read to him. Working our way through all the books we have. Jack definitely is clued into the books though– he definitely looks at the colorful pictures.

Lotion // I started using this baby wash after the brand sent it to us and I love how it smells. I really like the soap and I really LOVE the lotion. Every night after his bath and before bed, we do a little massage with the lotion. He smells soooo good and wakes up with the softest skin.

Baby Bjorn // I still use the Solly wrap, but the Baby Bjorn is in heavier rotation right now. Mike definitely prefers it and it’s been great for long walks. I don’t like walking the dogs with the stroller, so when I’m taking the dogs and baby out solo, I opt for the carrier. Jack loves it and sometimes we even get a nice little contact nap out of it.

Hats // So, hats. It started off as a necessity (sun hats and knit hats for warmth) and then I thought he looked so cute in them that it became a functional fashion piece. These bonnets are my favorites.

Booties // These booties are amazing. It’s been getting cooler out and I try (emphasis being ~try~) to keep Jack’s feet covered. Socks, booties, and footie pajamas.

Chappy Wrap Blanket // The whole family (including dogs) are obsessed with Chappy Wrap blankets. I have a couple of the small ones for Jack and they are great for stroller walks, especially when he’s tucked into the bassinet.

Nanit Baby Monitor // When we got back from Nantucket, I started putting Jack in his crib in his nursery for every nap and then he was doing so well that I actually decided to let him sleep there at night, too. (Babies are noisy sleepers!) The nursery is right next to our bedroom (the crib and our headboard share a wall) so I feel comfortable with him being in another room– and I know Mike and I sleep better. Anyway, I love the Nanit baby monitor. I like being able to see him on my phone, get sound/motion alerts on my phone, and even turn on/off white noise through it. It’s also crystal clear, even at night. I end up watching him sleep, like a weirdo.


– Towel
– Gerber onesies// Again, see above. Truly just the sweetest outfits for baby.
– Pajamas/Coveralls
– Solly wrap 
– Camera!


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Hi Carly! I just wanted to say thank you for these baby product posts. I’m 17 weeks pregnant with my first, and these posts have been such a big help in building my registry. I’d be pretty lost without them. Happy Thanksgiving!


Oh my gosh…babies are the loudest sleepers! I never knew that until I had my first. He quickly transitioned to his room. Haha!
