
CBD Update

I couldn’t have started my CBD journey at a better time! Right at the beginning of the year, I decided to give CBD oil a try after hearing my friends r a v e about it. It has become a topic my friend group and I discuss a lot, really, and I’d say almost every one of my girlfriends are using some kind of CBD right now. Whether it’s CBD seltzers, CBD drops, or CBD creams.

My partnership with Equilibria kicked off in March, which, of course, was when the world seemingly turned upside down. I was grateful to already be on the “CBD train” and I continue to find the benefits very useful for me. I thought, now that it’s been six months, that I’d give you an update of how it’s going for me and if I still love it. (Full disclosure: I have an ongoing partnership with Equilibria to share on Instagram stories once a month, but this particular post is not sponsored. I do receive commissions for items sold though! You can use “CARLYTHEPREPSTER” for 15% off your first order.)

You do not need to buy Equilibria, but I would encourage you to research the brands you buy from. Not all CBD is created equally. I like that Equilibria has complete transparency about their sourcing– they partner exclusively with a farm in Colorado so they know exactly what is, and what isn’t, in their oils. And they provide dosage consulting for free, which can help you find your perfect dose.

As with anything in life, everybody is going to have a different experience with CBD. I’ll share what has worked for me. It’s funny when I compare it to my friends, everyone uses it in different ways for different reasons.


The cream is my holy grail. If you want to dip your toes into the CBD world, I would recommend starting here. It works unbelievably well. At first I was, like, this has to be a placebo effect… it worked so well, so quickly. I was blown away.

I use it for four things specifically: jaw pain relief, shoulder tension relief, menstrual camp relief, and mosquito bite relief. I use it most frequently for my jaw, which always causes me pain since I clench and grind my teeth all day and all night. It gets SORE. I rub a tiny bit on both sides of my jaw and massage it in. It’s hard to describe the relief, but the best way to describe it is that I don’t feel the tension… I don’t even think about it, until much later in the day when the CBD wears off. I even realized I was clenching my jaw a lot while working out, so I make sure to do a touch extra before I work out. It works.

I do the same thing for menstrual cramps and shoulder tension– just massaging it onto my skin as needed, where I feel like I need it. And for mosquito bites, it doesn’t take away the bite or make it less swollen or red, but it DOES take away the burning itch! I am a mosquito magnet so it was a lifesaver this summer!!!


I take a dropper of CBD oil before I go to bed. It doesn’t instantly solve any anxious feelings for me (it may for other people, but my anxiety runs ~high), but I do think it helps me ease into sleep. I am psycho about my sleep routine and get into bed pretty early so I can needlepoint for a bit, then read for a bit. I take the CBD right when I get into bed so it has time to sink in while I’m unwinding. I always start a meditation to fall asleep to and I think I fall asleep faster and smoother because I rarely hear the end of the ten-minute audio!

If you want to try, you can use CARLYTHEPREPSTER for 15% off your first order!

Would love to know if you have tried it yet and what you thought of it!

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Have you ever taken melatonin before bed? If so, how do the drops compare in terms of how long they take to kick in and how long the effect lasts? (any remaining lethargy in the morinng?) I’ve never really considered CBD but my anxiety definitely peaks right before bed so maybe this could help.


I’ve only taken melatonin while traveling between time zones so can’t compare exactly. But I don’t feel “sleepy” with the CBD oil, just a sense of calm so I think that helps me ease into sleep better if that makes sense


I’ve tried both melatonin and the oil before bed and would describe CBD exactly how Carly does–calm, but not sleepy!


I agree that the CBD has less of a sleepy effect. When I take melatonin, I’m ready to fall asleep rapidly, but I usually wake up groggy. I like that CBD helps relax me and get me ready for sleep and I don’t experience any grogginess in the morning.


I ordered the mint dropper for anxiety and thank you for recommending!:) It has been very helpful for me but I take only a quarter of a dropper in the morning. I also can’t take it before bed because it kept me awake for hours one night— I was like calm but extra alert. I think I’m sensitive to it or something 🙃.


Honestly, seeing you post about it helped “normalize” CBD a bit for me. After trying samples of a few brands, I’ve settled using a mint one from another brand and the best way to describe it is it turns the volume down my nervous system. I take a dropper along with a low dose melatonin form Target and have never slept better. Never thought I’d be using CBD, but 2020 had other plans!


Due to you and other bloggers (plus that AMAZING sale around Labor Day), I decided to try Equilibria to help with my sleep. I’ve been taking the the softgels and it’s been a bit rocky, but with the consultations, I found out what I was possibly doing wrong (my diet is TERRIBLE at the moment) and have made necessary adjustments. I just subscribed the other day to get the drops as well to help me with my anxiety throughout the day.


I’m seriously considering trying CBD and have a question. Wondering if you’ve ever experienced {or heard from friends} any unwanted side effects from it like stomach upset?


Not from the CBD itself, but the soft gels got stuck in my throat once and it made me throw up so I get woozy thinking about them again. (But it’s not from the cbd since technically it never entered my system ha!)


I finally bought Equilibria after your first post, though I’d been thinking about it for a while. I am 100% with you on the relief cream! I bought the drops to help with chronic pain (which it does, though of course it’s not a miracle worker), but I agree that the combo of drops before bed plus a Headspace sleep meditation lulls me to sleep so wonderfully.


I am a clincher too! This may have just clinched the deal for me. Lol. Even during the day I feel like I’m holding tension in my jaw when not actively biting down.


I’m also a serious clencher, and Sensodyne toothpaste has also really helped me with the pain. I think it’s something about calming the nerve? #notadentist


What does the CBD cream smell like? Is it a strong scent? I’m wondering if I could wear it at the office.


I just started the drops and softgels! Really liking my experience so far – I definitely notice a difference in relaxing easier at night. I didn’t buy the cream though – should I add it to my monthly box, or do you think a jar lasts longer than 1 month?
