
Diary No. 42

It’s been a few weeks since my last Diary post. My editorial calendar got a little out of whack but I think we’re back on track now. Honestly I feel like I’ve lived a solid four months in the past three weeks. What even is time anymore? These are some moments of levity and joy from the past few weeks.

Diary No.42

Diary No.42

My Christmas fabrics arrived.

I haven’t been able to do much with it yet, but everything is washed and ironed… just ready for projects! What to do. What to do! I think everyone is getting handmade gifts of some kind this year.

Diary No.42

I made plaid dresses for Kelly’s daughters and couldn’t resist whipping up a matching dress for Emma’s American Girl doll. The pattern is FREE, super easy to follow, and absolutely darling. It’s actually lined and one of the more well-made patterns I’ve ever done and it’s for a doll! The poofy skirt that is so full it stands up on its own is my favorite part.

Diary No.42

I was dying driving through town in the Samantha costume. I wore something else to the house where we shot the photos but it was too hard to change out of it so I just went home in it. Praying the whole time I didn’t get pulled over. How would I explain it exactly….


A couple of weeks ago, Mike and I had two of our nieces (the big girls) spend the night. We did a spaghetti and meatballs night and watched Moana. I babysat Ryan during the next day and I, naturally, used it as an opportunity to go back to visit the donkeys. It was a huge hit again!

Diary No.42

I’ve been making popcorn on the stove a few nights a week and bringing the big bowl upstairs while I read.

It’s one of my favorite snacks in general, but always feels extra cozy for some reason when it’s cold out and there’s reading involved. (PS I finished Sweetbitter and will review in my November recap at the end of the month.)

Diary No.42

I completed this needlepoint canvas a while back and finally got around to finishing it into a pillow. I absolutely love how it turned out.

healthy meal

You know what this picture represents? One meal where we didn’t have to do dishes at home. HA. I’m so, so sick of doing dishes right now.

latest iphone review

My new iPhone arrived!

I deviated from my usual silver selection and went with the blue. I had a lot of people ask me if it was worth the upgrade. If you have a yearly upgrade available, go for it. (I personally have the Apple Upgrade program and get the new phone every October.) But…. is it worth it if you don’t have an upgrade available? If you have an iPhone 11, then no. It’s pretty much exactly the same. I can’t tell a difference other than how the naked phone feels (very boxy), but I always have a case on it so….. it’s like the iPhone 11 again.

Mickey-obsessed niece

My mom sent up a few of my childhood books to give to our Mickey-obsessed niece. It’s so funny how flipping through the books brought up a ton of memories. These were my favorite books to “play” library with.

croissants from Liv Breads

During our rainy streak, I picked up a couple of croissants from Liv Breads. They are divine and worth every. single. calorie. I think they’re the best almond croissants I’ve ever had. Truly.

Working from the couch with my pups This is how I spent a lot of the week. Working from the couch with my pups piled on top of me for a little emotional support, ya know. They have no concept of personal space and I love them for it.

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Our dishwasher is like “you’re STILL here?!” Thank you for the post. Little perks of joy is so what is needed today

Brigid Devney-Rye

Such a cheery post! Much needed. That dress you made is adorable and I want that croissant! Happy Saturday.


Carly where did you got the new iPhone case. I’ve been looking for a nice one unsuccessfully.


Love how the pillow turned out! Would you consider a tutorial on finishing your own needlepoint ?


Love seeing a Liv Bread shout out! I spent a lot of time during my maternity leave there when it first opened. Their pastries are all incredible! I totally recognized the croissant as theirs.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It’s cool to read about what’s going on in your life lately. I really like your diaries! I appreciate the frankness of people and do not consider this to be something bad. Although many people think that flaunting their life is bad. I believe that in this way we learn from the examples of other people and can highlight some important advice for ourselves. Tell us more about the everyday life that you love. I’m wondering how you run your household. Does someone help you with this?


I have so many compliments! Love that plaid dress and the crocheted pillow case. Loved what you said about popcorn and books! Sounds super cozy!


Carly, how do you prep your fabrics to wash them? The last time I washed fabric to pre-shrink it (mask making!), the threads got sooo tangled. Do you sew the edges first?


I just wash regularly! The fabric does get twisted and the ends a little knotty, but I just detangle before I dry!


Your little corner of the world is a perfect escape for me, so thank you. I’ve taken up needlepoint thanks to you and it’s opening a whole new world to me. I found the cutest shop in Kansas City on a work trip recently, met great people there and look forward to a return. Needlepoint is perfect since I spend many nights in a hotel due to work and I can take it along.
