
Dream List

One of my favorite things to do is to dream. (Not actually during the night because I’m prone to nightmares…) But I love to day dream and to picture myself in the future. Sometimes I think of the family I’ll have and what my house my look like, and then picture it in another town. Sometimes I think about the jobs I’ll have or the places I’ll go or the people I meet. And who I will become.
When I was on the plane heading back to NYC, I was using my “notes” to spell check things. (Normal.) I am always in the notes app on my iPhone, but for some reason completely unexplained, I opened the app to a note that I had written in April 2013. I had actually written it while in Dallas last year!
It was a “Dream List” for my blog that I had put together and subsequently totally forgot about. It listed things I wanted to accomplish. I scrolled through the list while in the air and couldn’t believe how many of the things I had done. The list, when I created it, seemed like a total reach. I counted and of the 54 things on the list, I had done 24 of them. While reading the list, it almost felt like I was writing the roadmap of the next year without even knowing it.
Some of the things were: quitting my job to blog full time, signing into a major contract (little did I know it would actually take a year to bring it to fruition), being in Teen Vogue, working with Barbour and Lilly Pulitzer, finding an agent+manager+attorney+accountant… etc. 
I teared up a little bit… and then was seriously inspired to make a new list. So for an hour of my flight, I dreamed and dreamed and thought of new adventures, wishes, and goals.
It may seem like a weird time to come up with goals, not quite the middle of the year, but there’s no time like the present, right?! I set goals every week and also for the month, but they’re more tangible “you should be hitting this” kinds of things. Just what I know that I can and should accomplish during the week/month to keep me on track.
But there’s something a little bit magical about setting lofty goals that you can only dream of achieving… and then seeing what you can actually put into place!
I really encourage everyone to make a dream list. (One of my main mottos is “Live Your Dreams” after all!) It’s best to do it in a quiet spot, totally disconnected. Pen to paper feels good when you’re making dreams and you can always go back and type the list afterward. No internet, no distractions… and just go for it! The bigger the better. While goals should definitely have a timeframe, don’t worry about that while you’ll putting together your dreams!
Do you day-dream? Have you ever accomplished something you never thought you could but really wanted to?
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You've accomplished so much and you have so much to be proud of! You making your dreams come true is so inspirational; I'll get right to work with creating a dream list of my own, and hopefully I'll find myself with as much progress as you! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

Melissa Mooney

This post is once again right on target for me……Its just what i needed as lately my motivation has been down. You are such an inspiration for me and i look up to you. This is just what i needed to push myself to get back to blogging and not let the little things get me down.


Rather than New Years resolutions, I make New Years goals in my yearly planner. It's a great way to daydream, a way to hold yourself accountable throughout the year, but most of all, so fun to look back upon at the end of the year! It's amazing how almost subconsciously the goals become reality. Keep it up!
