
Hi Mike

I’m so excited to introduce Mike today! Mike and I were set up on a blind date by a mutual acquaintance. It was actually the only blind date I’ve ever gone on so I feeling pretty apprehensive. I had one photo and a brief description, but otherwise, I was going in blind. I was living…


Diary No. 2

This is slightly all over the place, but I hope you still enjoy these little tidbits from my iPhone! I was in Jackson Hole for five days, so most of my iPhone pictures between my last Diary post and this one made it into that travel post. I walked by this flower stand at a…


On My Radar

What a week! I got back from Jackson Hole on Monday and hit the ground running getting back on track. I forgot to include this matching photo with my mom. She went to Jackson Hole in 1972 with the Girl Scouts. My parents and my aunt and uncle traveled to Jackson Hole last fall and…


Skiing in Jackson Hole

Last Thursday, I flew out to Jackson Hole to meet up with my boyfriend and two of our married friends. He went out the previous Saturday and skied Jackson Hole and Big Sky (and got stuck in Idaho Falls due to snow for two days, too). Quite the adventure! I’m always down for a ski…


Mom Jeans

I’m really feeling the mom jeans look lately. I love the higher waists and wider cut legs. It’s so funny to me how jeans come in and out of style. I remember in high school when I thought for sure I would never wear skinny jeans… and it’s pretty much what I’ve worn exclusively over the…


An Easy Way to Shop More Sustainably

This year, I’ve been making little changes to my everyday life to make more sustainable choices. I’m not perfect and I have a long way to go, but I’ve found that even making one small change can snowball into another. I’m excited to partner with thredUP on this post because it’s another way I’m choosing…


Hudson Table

I was going to include one photo from our cooking class at Hudson Table in my first Diary post, but then I started to write a quick blurb and realized that I wanted to say a lot more. So, I’m dedicating a full post to it. Technically, this is pretty Hoboken and maybe NYC based,…