
Tangible Changes You Can Make

With 2015 in full gear, I’ve been reading all sorts of things online (Facebook, blogs, Instagram captions) about this whole to New Year’s Resolution or Not to New Year’s Resolution. From my very unscientific research, it seems like it’s an even 50/50 split. I really don’t know how I feel about them in general and…


Lilly Pulitzer Sale

The Lilly Pulitzer sale is here! The site is running slow and you might have to join a queue before you can access, but it’s worth the wait. (Pro tip: Don’t refresh the queue page… It updates every now and then on its own and if you refresh you’ll lose your original spot.) Shop some of…


How to Pack the Best Lunch Ever

At my old job, I used to spend too much money going out for lunch every day. (There was a Whole Foods just around the corner… so good and so expensive.) Even now, I always do a scramble around noon trying to figure out what to have for lunch and by the time I’m starving,…


What I’m Packing for Caneel Bay

I’m heading to Caneel Bay next week! I can’t wait to relax and explore and did I mention relax?! The funny thing is that before I moved to DC, I hated the beach. We always went to the beach for vacations growing up. But living in Florida, it basically felt like we drove a few hours…


Gigi New York Monogrammed Crossbody GIVEAWAY

I hope everyone had a great time celebrating the beginning of 2015. This week I’ve teamed up with Gigi New York to give away one of my FAVORITE bags… the Madison crossbody! I. Love. This. Bag. I carry it all the time. It’s just such a great small bag that still fits a lot. The…


On My Radar

Wah! Does January 2 mean our slow and relaxing holiday season is coming to an end? I’ve been really enjoying these holidays. (Wait, just kidding, I’m going on a vacation next Wednesday… #neverendingholiday.) I’m pretty impressed with myself and how much of a break I’ve taken from my computer. While I was in Florida, I…


This year I will…

I always start the year with good intentions and things to think about and apply to my life. I find that if I really commit for a month or two, it becomes second nature and I just have to remind myself every now and again to get back on course. This year, I have (as…


My 2014 Favorites

I love doing my favorite things recaps every year. I normally do a top 10 of things, but I’ve been trying to put one together for this year… and it’s a little different than year’s past. 2014 was too great. This post is definitely going to turn into a long ramble of sorts.  When I…


Holidays at Home

This definitely was one of the best trips back to Florida! I don’t love traveling (the actual traveling part) with Teddy so when we go to my parents’ house I really try to make it a good, long trip. The both of us had so much fun. I loved that we didn’t really have any plans…