

I’m packing for two reasons: 1) It’s SUMMER & 2) We’re leaving for Worcester, MA for Eastern Sprints tonight! My room is SO barren right now.  I almost feel like I’m camping because I’m down to literally the bare essentials.  I spent almost all of Wednesday packing boxes.  Thankfully, my room was very organized so it…


6:15 am Practice

The team is gearing up for a big regatta this Sunday!  Eastern Sprints is in Massachusetts this year.  It’s really close to the town I lived in when I was younger.  My best friend in the entire world is going to try to make it and I’m super excited about that. But, I’m also really…



Can you spot my monogram? This one only took about 30 minutes. Like all Type-A perfectionists, I am slightly addicted to Sharpies.  I don’t know how anyone can resist them. Last week, I was shopping with California Funk and Lili Lover.  They were coming back from practice and I met up with them at Ralph…


Little V is Famous!

Well pretty much 🙂 V and her boyfriend made the front page of the New York Insider TV website!  How fabulous do they look? Little V and I went to go see “17 Again” last night.  It started off really cheesy and bad and I was annoyed I spent almost 11 dollars on the ticket (when…


50th Post!

How fitting is it that my 50th blog post is about LILLY PULITZER considering it’s their 50th Anniversary.   I’ve been gone for a few days now, locked up in the library.  It’s actually a lot of fun, weird I know.  I had my accounting exam this afternoon at 4 and was absolutely dreading it,…


Baby, It’s Hot Outside

Lilly + Crew= LOVE. Please don’t laugh.  This was the summer before my senior year.  I had been coxing everyday during that summer, and this was the result. I cannot begin to tell you how weird it is for me to actually ENJOY the sun.  I have the fairest skin ever (which is a weird…



Why: 1) US Political Systems research paper (Legit research paper, I might add… AH) 2) H&W Poetry of War final paper (hmm.. does poetry have a social utility?) 3) Ethics paper. Enough said. 4) Friday 6:30 am practice. Saturday 7 am practice. Sunday 7 am race. 5) Accounting final.  (Let’s just say, it HAS to…


Weekend Update :)

Georgetown Boy and Jack the Bulldog.  This picture is the epitome of Georgetown 🙂 Me, Victoria, and CF… and Tucker, too!  On one of the rooftop apartments during the campus tour! Wow.  I feel like every weekend gets crazier and crazier.  Yesterday, as I mentioned in my previous post, was Georgetown Day.  Oh yea, and don’t forget…



This was the picture I saw when I first opened my emails this morning.  What a great way to start the day 🙂   How adorable are these truffles?  I want some!!!  FireLilly Chocolates makes them.  I’m signed up for Daily Candy.  They have great emails.  Everyday I get so excited to see what they’re going…