College Prep

A college prepster certainly cannot live without: How fabulous are these backpacks?!? Check them out at R. Williams. I’ve never heard of the brand, but I’m so glad I know them now!!! Better late than never, right?


Kate Spade

I took a break from studying and writing papers to check out the current Kate Spade collection. LOVE. I’m not a huge fan of this shoe. Although it is absolutely gorgeous, I would never personally wear them. I don’t typically go for flashy things. HOWEVER, they’re named “Carly” so I naturally had to include them…


Quick Update

This weekend is going to be crazy! I have so many things going on next week that I have to prepare for. Monday- Sociology Quiz Statistics Quiz Wednesday- Statistics group case presentation Thursday- Witches 6 page paper Theology 6 page paper Not fun. Plus it’s homecoming weekend and we have a regatta on Sunday. Bah!…


Can’t-Live-Withouts for Autumn

Living in Florida, we don’t get much of a sense of “Autumn.” We wear sweaters with skirts and melt. (You have to suffer for beauty, of course.) Last year, I experienced a real Autumn at school! Here are things that I just could not bear to live without last year and certainly will not be…


What’s In My Tote?

I’ve seen a few versions circulating around the blog scene in the past about what people carry in their purses. Here is some things I carry in my tote: Pink Georgetown binder (I have a light pink one too!) Pink Georgetown notebook (I have a turquoise one too) Lilly cosmetic case which I use to…


Dear Freshmen,

Dearest Freshmen, Congratulations on being accepted into the best university. I’m sure that everyone back home is very, very proud. I totally get why you bought twenty college shirts, four pairs of sweatpants, three plastic water bottles, and an obnoxious back pack, all in school colors. You must be pretty intelligent to have been accepted….



I am definitely not a “jewelry girl.” I go through phases where I love certain jewelry and wear them to death, and other times I can survive without wearing any. [Except for earrings… I feel naked without them!] The jewelry I wear the most all have special meanings behind them, like I received it as…


A Peek into My Dorm

I have an hour (actually less than that now ah!) until my next class, but I thought that I would show y’all what my dorm looks like! I know you guys are at the edge of your seats with suspense! Here’s my bed… The refrigerator doubles as my night stand, woo! Yes, that is my…