Search Results for: label/Henley


Halloween 2010

After a super long day of racing at Princeton, Little V and I made it back to Georgetown just in time for Halloween.  I dressed up like Blair Waldorf and Little V was, of course, Eloise. My photo inspiration!  I literally wasn’t planning on going out at all, but was convinced last minute by some…



Normally, I don’t follow through with these award things. I love receiving them, but I completely forget when I go to write blog posts. Anyways, Olive My Life tagged me for an award. And it had a fun little rule thingamajig so I thought I’d play along. And CP confession…. I really am obsessed with…


Sperry Topsiders

Okay, I LOVE my Sperry’s. They’re perfect for trips to the library, running errands, and– obviously– regattas and practices. A little Henley throwback Well, I’m disappointed, and honestly a little horrified, at some of the shoes on the Sperry website right now. Seriously, EW. Sperry’s are what they are today because they’re CLASSIC. Soccer Dad…


Cozy (Spend Responsibly)

As you know, I do product round ups every other Saturday. This is going to be a two-fold post. Maybe actually three-fold. I want to preface this by saying I’m sure I’m not going to say this perfectly. I’m trying my best but I’m also operating with a little 1) We need to spend responsibly….

Shop the Post


Cozy and Lazy

Being back in Florida for a week certainly spoiled me. Currently, I’m somewhere between icicle and popsicle status. Earlier in December I bought a space heater from Gilt and it’s been amazing. I carry it around my apartment and plug it into the nearest outlet at all times. And my typical work-from-home uniform right now…


Semester Reflection

This has been a crazy semester, but definitely one of the best.  I feel a mix of emotions now that it’s winding down.  (I still have a few papers to finalize and submit… and, of course, getting grades back.)  I can’t believe that after this, I only have a semester left of college.  I’m sorry,…

gift ideas


Guys can be hard to shop for, so I’m rounding up a few gifts for him that I think would be perfect for any of the men in your life. Most of these products are either things Mike owns/loves or things I’ve gifted in the past. I’ve included a little something for everyone, so I…




Wow, it’s July??? Half the year gone in a flash! I feel like I still don’t have a good grasp on time between 2020 and now. I feel like I am in the middle of a carwash or something– no sense of time. (And my ability to recall when certain things happened over the past…



I don’t do a lot of deep diving on my analytics anymore. I used to be obsessed– keeping the live tally on my computer at all times but it started to stress me out. So I outsource it now and it’s so nice to just get monthly reports where I don’t have to think about…