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My life is kind of upside down right now. It’s a little overwhelming and a quite exhilarating all at once. But of course, with all kinds of change, anxiety is inevitable. I’ve taken up meditating, committed to working out more, and even attempting to go to sleep before midnight. Big things people, very big things. I’ve definitely gotten…


Making Friends in a New City

Earlier this week, I met up with Mackenzie and Fred for drinks after (my) work. Considering they both work for themselves (#entrepreneurship), I made them coordinate around my schedule… and location. Because sometimes I’m just high-maintenance like that. It’s always fun to catch up with other bloggers (even if you just spent all weekend with…


Mentorship | Ask Me a Question

Levo League recently released a new feature that’s bringing mentorship into the digital realm. Studies show that 95% of Gen Y women have not asked for a mentor. Yet, mentorship is absolutely an important element of someone’s career success equation. I haven’t formally asked anyone to be my mentor, but I definitely have women in…


Mom Blogs

One of the most frequently asked questions that I get is what blogs I read. I definitely keep up with my friends who blog. And I almost always check out the blogs of people who tweet at me or email! I love seeing what everyone is up to. However, I don’t really spend that much…


Giveaway :: Rutherford Papers

Now that the holiday season is over, we’re returning to the usual Saturday-giveaway circuit. This giveaway is totally an amazing way to kick off 2013!!! Rutherford Papers has amazing paper products, gifts, and (of course) stationery… but the online boutique also carries some favorite pieces of jewelry. Rutherford has tons of monogrammed jewelry options which…


YIKES! Last minute presents

I’m so not going to judge here, but did you forget a couple of people on your list? Maybe you weren’t quite sure if you were doing a gift exchange? Or you just were too busy to shop at all? It’s totally fine. You still have time! Pandora Subscription | This is a gift that…


Everyone Needs a Leslie

I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing 90% of the time. Actually, make that 99%. And the 1% is more or less a fluke. There’s a little bit of trial and error going on. And a lot a bit of “fake it ’til you make it.” Apparently this is normal, but I…


Weekend in Rhode Island

I spent the weekend in Rhode Island with Kiel and Sarah and Fred. I’ve been meaning to get up to Rhode Island for a really long time. I almost went last May, but this annoying thing called final exam period got in the way. I ended up booking train tickets quite last minute, but that…


5 Ways to Turn a Bad Day into a Good Night

Having a bad day is no fun… but it’s bound to happen. Whether it’s work, school, or friend stress, sometimes you just can’t shake that bad day feeling. Luckily (or rather hopefully), these kinds of bad days are few and far between!! When you are having a bad day, I think it’s important to take…