Search Results for: label/new york city


NEW Minnie and Emma Peony Phone Cases

I’m so excited to announce that Minnie and Emma and I have added three new designs to the collection we launched last year together. We’re so thrilled, in fact, that the cases are 25% off when you use “TCP25” at checkout! Striped Dizzy Peony Case + Large Peony with Light Blue Stripes + Peony Bouquet I honestly…


Different Hats

This is a reflection as part of my Work Life month of 2013! Working at a startup is really crazy, and totally not for everyone. Personally, I kind of thrive off that running-on-a-super-fast-treadmill environment. And one of the things I’ve learned is that it’s important to be knowledgeable about lots of different areas. You definitely…



I’ve been in full holiday mode over here since the start of November. This time of year is always so busy that I find myself leaning into Prime’s convenience, especially as we’ve been prepping for the new baby. Here is a look at some of the things I bought on Amazon in November. Velvet Ribbon //…



Traveling Better

I am finally getting the hang of traveling. Or, at the very least, I have a love/hate relationship with it. I do love to travel. *Insert all the sappy travel cliches.* But traveling can stress me out. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been somewhere a million times before or I’m going somewhere new, chances are…


New At Home Workout Routine

Now that we’re home, and home for a while, I wanted to get on top of my workout routine ASAP. Working out is one of the top things that help my anxiety. While it’s nice to looked tone and it’s great to be healthy and strong, I really work out because it’s so good for…


On My Radar

This week was an extra special week… I got to visit my friend Alison! We met through blogging and bonded over both being Georgetown girls. It’s funny to think that our time at school never overlapped, but we still found each other and a great friendship grew from it! We mostly catch up through text…


Guest Post- Dorm Room

Guest Post by Livin and Lovin Now that I’ve graduated from high school, college is just around the corner! I’m so excited for the new experiences, new challenges, meeting new people, and the first time being away from home! It’s a world of opportunity and can’t wait to dig my feet in!As I begin to…


Operation Save My Laptop

I received a white Macbook as my high school graduation present and I thought it was going to make it through all four years. It was going strong until basically the first week of my senior year. The light on the screen went out and it cost more to fix than the laptop was worth…