Search Results for: label/new york city

gift ideas


When I put out a request for people to submit small businesses for a gift guide, I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away by how quickly the form filled up… and then going through everyone’s websites I was BLOWN AWAY by the quality of items. I am so proud of everyone,…


My Favorite NYC Spots

I moved to New York City exactly six months ago. The time has flown by. Yet, at the same time, I feel like I’ve been here forever. I love this city. Absolutely everything about it. The city is beyond busy, yet not a day goes by that I don’t see a Georgetown friend on the subway,…


Packing Tips

Oh! I can hardly contain my excitement over this move. I swear I keep repeating “I live here!!!!” over and over and over again in my head. But seriously, it feels like a dream. I’ve really wanted to live in NYC for a while now, but it’s insane that it’s actually happening. The actual move was…


Better With Age

I’m not a birthday person, but I do love getting older. I think it’s awesome when someone declares an entire month their birthday month and really makes sure that everyone is held to that standard (no but really, I think it’s so fun when people get into birthdays!)… it’s just not me. I like to acknowledge…


Making Friends in a New City

Earlier this week, I met up with Mackenzie and Fred for drinks after (my) work. Considering they both work for themselves (#entrepreneurship), I made them coordinate around my schedule… and location. Because sometimes I’m just high-maintenance like that. It’s always fun to catch up with other bloggers (even if you just spent all weekend with…


New York Times

I’ve followed the New York Times on Twitter for a long while at this point. And I get the daily morning emails. The stories have always seemed interesting to me and I would click over a couple of times a day. But… for some reason, I’ve recently become obsessed with NYT. I probably spend an hour…


Things I’ve Learned About Myself

I’ve mentioned on here before that I’ve been working to rewrite the stories I have written about myself in my head. I’m a firm believer that (generally speaking) what you think/believe becomes your reality. Obviously, there are exceptions to that, but if you think you’re going to have a bad day, it’s going to be a…


A Little Bit of Culture… In the Middle of the Night

Graffiti is something that actually has a little bit overlap in my life. The word “graffiti” has such a bad connotation I think. It’s labeled as vandalism and punishable by law. (By this same logic, I still think we should ban chewing gum… sidewalks are so gross with old gum plastered everywhere!) Anyway… Graffiti is…



Oh my gosh… I don’t even know where to start with what to do in Paris. If you’ve already been, you’re probably not going to learn anything new here. (But feel free to stick around for the photos or to hear about my experience.) If you’ve never been but want to go, this is definitely…