Search Results for: label/new york city


Pass the Pinto Beans please

If you read the first issue of Prep Talk, you may have noticed that Sarah Pinto was mentioned…. What you didn’t know is that I myself have the elephant agenda!!! There is so refreshing about having a whole new clean agenda to start the new year.  I love flipping through the blank pages and not…


New CP Desktop Wallpaper!

This past week has been beyond strange.  A constant push and pull of emotions. One minute, I’m feeling on top of the world.  Checking things off my list, writing emails like it’s my job, answering questions, doing homework, studying for exams.  Everything in control. The next minute, my brain has 428 different ideas simultaneously bouncing…


Agendas for the “New Year”

I always feel like this time of year is almost better than the “New Year.” My birthday always hovers around Labor Day and, of course, it’s back to school season (school used to start the first week of August when I grew up!). It’s so ingrained in my brain, even three years after college, that…



Ugh, I came into the new year with a great mindset! I started to feel a little anxious considering how miserable I was last winter… But I kept reminding myself that I’m not going to have morning sickness this year and I don’t have to meet any book deadlines! It’ll be a different winter! It…


New CP Desktop Wallpaper and iPhone!

Most of us have a few more days/weeks before we are officially back in the library doing homework and studying….  I thought I’d get a desktop wallpaper done though so it’s ready for everyone’s first day of school!  I knew right away that I needed to use this Lilly fall patchwork print.  I’m obsessed with…


On My Radar

Another Friday, another On My Radar. The past week has been a whirlwind. I definitely had too much on my plate, but I just couldn’t say no to anything. Starting last Thursday through late Sunday afternoon, I was shooting the Gal Meets Glam holiday collection with Julia. On Monday night, I was the moderator for Maxie’s…



I have Carlee from Deliciously Organized to thank for this new new new addiction. kikki.K is pretty much like my version of nirvana.  All sorts of organized. Wow. How did I not know about this sooner?  Carlee, thank you! A book for goals!  It does not get any better. want.need. Unfortunately, they’re in Australia.  I…