Search Results for: label/nor'easter jacket



So there were 108 entries for the giveaway… I used to randomly select the number of the winner. And the winner is….. MELANIE from the PINK WASHINGTONIETTE  Congratulations Melanie!  Email me your contact information and I’ll the ship the items!  Make sure to let me know which frame you love the best 🙂 Thanks…


DIARY No. 53

This was a “busy” two weeks. I know busy is an overused term, but I have to say… in this case, it’s all GREAT stuff!!!! Finally starting to feel like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. If nothing else, we are now able to fully enjoy being outside. Mike and I have been…


Carrot Bread

I wanted to bake something this weekend. I know there’s all these memes and what not about baking banana bread, but I think there’s something to it! The ingredients are pretty minimal and bread can be breakfast, a snack, or dessert. (I’d think twice about having a slice of cake at 9am but have no…


DIARY No. 93

Sorry this is pretty mom-focused this week. Honestly I’ve just been heavily in mom mode and loving it…. but my camera roll certainly reflects this reality 😜 Here’s what I’ve been up to over the past two weeks. Jack was invited to a press event with Little Sleepies. I had no idea how it would…


Three Wishes

I LOVE Dogeared Jewelry so much.  The bracelets, necklaces, and earrings come in the sweetest little packages with precious advice. Soccer Mom gave me my first Dogeared necklace my junior year of HS.  It was a little tiny key to symbolize the key to my heart.  I wore it everyday for about a year, and I…


Groundbreaking Florals

I can’t think of florals without quoting The Devil Wears Prada in my head. Last week I was invited to attend an event for Old Navy around their new floral dress collection. It’s so much easier to pop into the city for events and so I imagine I’m going to be going to more than I have the past few years.


Can’t-Live-Withouts for Autumn

Living in Florida, we don’t get much of a sense of “Autumn.” We wear sweaters with skirts and melt. (You have to suffer for beauty, of course.) Last year, I experienced a real Autumn at school! Here are things that I just could not bear to live without last year and certainly will not be…


Rainy Day Outfit

While I love sunny days, I can’t resist a foggy one on Nantucket. It was pretty rainy all day, so we loaded up into our rented Mini Cooper and went on a driving tour of the island. We went from one end to the other and turned down roads as we wished.

As luck would have it, the rain turned to a drizzle as we neared ‘Sconset, so we hopped out to take some photos by Sankaty Light. I think it’s my favorite lighthouse– it’s definitely the most picturesque!



Keeping it real! I just feel like more than anything, I’m wearing what works as a mom and in my third trimester! Comfortable jeans and leggings for the win. I’ve been coming across so many good staple pieces on Amazon lately that I had to round up a winter Amazon style edit! Most of the…