Search Results for: label/pottery



We had a nice week here… Mike, Jack, and I went into the city for a little staycation. It was only one night and it was actually for work, but felt like a mini vacation. The best part was just leisurely strolling through Central Park. Kind of made me wish we lived in the city…



Ummmm, how is it Friday? And how do we only have one more week of September? And also how it already fall? My sense of time is clearly off, but I can’t be the only one who feels this way, right?! The next week is going to go by even faster because we are getting…



What a fun week here! It’s been scorching hot and instead of being miserable about it, I’ve been trying to make mental notes about how it feels so I can refer back to this feeling in February when I’m miserably cold. (Feel free to check in with me then to see how it’s going 🤪.)…



The temperatures are dropping more and more, and our family has been spending a lot of time cozied up under blankets. Especially me, who can’t seem to rest enough these days! I consider myself a bit of a blanket connoisseur, and since I’ve been spending so much of my life snuggled under them recently, I…



ON MY RADAR 1.12.24

We had a pretty good “business as usual” week here. After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, both for work and personal, I was ready for a fresh start in January. One thing I’m really enjoying so far this month, is leaning into winter vibes. All things cozy and warm and relaxing. I’ve…


The Best Menstrual Cup: My DivaCup Review

I’m writing this as a public service announcement for all women who have a period… my life will never be the same, haha, and I just had to share the best menstrual cup and my DivaCup review because I wish I had tried it sooner. But first some backstory. I was a very late bloomer. I…


1/2 Year Recap

I can’t believe that we’re officially in the second half of the year. When I think back to where I was on January 1… it wasn’t pretty. Carter came to my parents’ house to shoot some stock photos for my blog, and the minute I got into her car, I broke down in tears. I was crying…


Shop My Closet!

I am insanely excited about my latest partnership with thredUP. You guys know how much I’ve been loving their website, which is the largest online thrift shop with all of my favorite brands up to 90% off. I’ve found it to be an incredible resource for finding pieces that I missed out on in past seasons and I love how it gives clothes a second life. It’s guilt-free shopping.


DIARY No. 111

Here’s what I’ve been up the past two weeks according to my camera roll…. If you’re local, highly recommend visiting Cam Jam Kids in Summit, NJ– it’s a darling new store filled with various gifts and toys for little kids. It’s CUTE. The perfect place to pick up a birthday gift or a special treat…