Search Results for: label/tampa


Lissa Mar

I’ve been in such a lazy mood when getting ready in the mornings. I’ve been frustrated by trying to match shirts with skirts and dresses are just too easy. Plus they’re way more comfortable when it’s horribly warm outside. (It’s been in the 90s here in Tampa… I don’t know how you girls out west handle…


Fourth of July Outfit Ideas

I just booked flights home to Florida for the Fourth of July! I can’t wait to get home!!! Now I’m officially on the hunt for some perfect outfits. I imagine that I’ll be spending lots of time outdoors with my friends and family. Low-key, of course, but perfect. I’m already making plans for no-plans. Isn’t…


Giveaway :: Dixieland Monogram

This is such a perfect giveaway for this month considering I’ve dedicated June for exercising! Dixieland Monogram is giving away the perfect (and completely monogrammed) workout outfit. Honestly, I just think it’s the cutest thing ever!!! Plus, there are so many options available, you can make any kind of combination. (Get your school colors! Or totally…


How to Edit iPhone Photos for Instagram

So… I kind of love Instagram. It may or may not have been a major reason for me getting an iPhone way back when. (That and the fact that my old phone couldn’t hold a charge for more than 30 minutes.) I went through a phase for maybe a month or so when Instagram was…


Get Ready for Summer

I know, I know. Spring is practically just underway. (Even though it totally doesn’t even feel like it yet here!) I’m still itching to get in a trip down south! I haven’t been back to Tampa since Thanksgiving and my homesickness is only growing. I’ve been wearing a lot of navy and red lately and…


Organize, Please… Spring Closets

Okay, okay… confession. I really only switched over my closet partly when I wrote this “Spring Cleaning” post a few weeks ago. I was kind of in the process of doing it, but I really needed to just sit down and do it in one fell swoop. My friend Kathryn came over for a project that we’re…


Can’t Live Without Beauty Products

I was in my bathroom the other day washing my face and I was thinking about the few things that I absolutely use all the time. I do wear makeup every day, but I think I could live without foundation and mascara and the eyeliner. My fancy shampoo is a bonus, but I would be…


It’s PI Day!

Happy Pi Day! Sorry, I’m such a nerd. What better way to celebrate this gloriously nerdy day than rounding up the most delicious pies I can find! Pies were supposedly going to be the new cupcake, but I don’t think it really caught on as well as everyone thought. Pies are just a little bit too…


My Uniform

My elementary school in Tampa had uniforms, and I loved them. Getting dressed in the morning couldn’t have been easier. The hardest decision was whether to wear a skirt or a dress. When middle school came around, I (like every single other kid in my grade) was so thrilled to finally ditch the uniform. We could…