Search Results for: label/the partridge family


Three Documentaries

I used to be SO into watching documentaries. I suffered from some pretty severe insomnia in college and would spend all night watching documentaries just trying to get through the night. This was pre-streaming on Netflix too so I’d order DVDs and then find obscure things on Youtube to watch. It was a weird time…


Making Dreams a Reality

Ever since I fell in love with reading (“late” in life, I was in college!), I’ve always dreamed of owning a bookstore. It felt pretty abstract for a while. More like watching You’ve Got Mail and thinking about how wonderful it would be to own a bookstore. (Minus the whole Foxbooks taking over part.) The more…


Diary No. 26

We’ve officially been doing the Diary posts every other Saturday for a year! Figure it’s a good time to check in to see how you’re liking the posts. I had considered dropping down my weekend posts for a while, but decided to try something new on Saturdays, rotating between a product round up and a…


Carrot Bread

I wanted to bake something this weekend. I know there’s all these memes and what not about baking banana bread, but I think there’s something to it! The ingredients are pretty minimal and bread can be breakfast, a snack, or dessert. (I’d think twice about having a slice of cake at 9am but have no…


On My Radar

After taking the most wonderful break from anything work related while in Palm Beach, I hit the ground running on Monday when I returned home. It was surprisingly warm in New Jersey and I had a game plan for tackling everything I needed to catch up on so it wasn’t the hardest transition. If anything,…


On My Radar

I know if you’re anything like me, this week has been more riddled with anxiety than usual. Mike and I canceled our trip to Banff at the last minute and so we’re staying home to try to do our part in reducing the spread of the virus. We’re of course disappointed as we were looking…


Lean Into Social Distancing

I am not a scientist or doctor who specializes in infectious diseases. But I am an extreme introvert with not-so-minor social anxieties and friends who live in different states. I can speak towards social distancing like an expert because it’s kind of my life. I’m not making light of this at all, by the way,…


How Are You Doing?

Just wanted to take the time to check in with you and see how you’re doing. So… hi! How are you? Holding up? I think the reality of everything has settled in for me. I knew, logically, this was going to be months not weeks, but I guess it felt so “new” when it started….


Ways You Can Help

I am unbelievably grateful for essential workers right now. Truly. Obviously, and of course, medical professionals. But also teachers who are now juggling virtual classes, grocery store workers who are now serving on the “front lines,” delivery people, waste collectors, etc. I, and so many others, am “safe at home” because of other people’s sacrifices….