5 Realistic Ways to Simplify Your Life

I think Maxie, per usual, read my mind. My major to-do this week is to get everything under control. Reorganize my desk, declutter my office, go through my phone and inbox, review and assess my calendar. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by everything and I think a good, solid spring cleaning is in order. In fact,…


Raspberry Tofu Smoothie

One thing I really miss about living in NYC is the fact that I can’t walk down the street to get any snack I’m craving. Within a block of my apartment, I had four different smoothie places to choose from. And I’d go to different ones for different smoothies. (I really miss this smoothie.) When…


4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting (Anything)

Isn’t it crazy how far we’ve come in terms of technology and communication in such a short amount of time? I think we’re all still trying to catch up as far as best practices, safety, and “rules” are concerned though. There’s a lot of grey area and there’s quite a few ways you can end…


Your Guide to Spring Cooking

I have very little experience with cooking. This is the first time in my life when I’ve a) had the time to cook and b) the space to cook. I’m feeling more confident in the kitchen by the day and Plated has been a huge help. One of the major things it’s taught me beyond…


7 Secrets of Confident People

I love when I meet someone and she’s so confidently herself. There’s something powerful and almost entrancing about being in the presence of someone like that. I also can’t help but wonder, how does she do it?! Maxie is one of those uber confident people whom I LOVE spending time with. (I always hope some of…


5 Healthy Food Swaps

I did something the other week that I though I’d never do. I swapped out spaghetti for roasted squash… and liked it. It was such an easy substitution and tasted amazing. It wasn’t pasta, but it wasn’t too far off. It actually made me think that I could do more little changes like this… And…


Celebrate Love, Coupled or Not

Valentine’s Day can feel super commercial and cheesy (although I still find that fun). Regardless of the pomp and circumstance, it’s a good reminder just to celebrate love.  Celebrate Love, Coupled or Not Guest post by Maxie McCoy It’s that time of year again! The shelves are brimming with pink and red candies. Flower shops…