

Has it felt like I’ve been teasing this forever? Because it has for me…. Initially I had planned to keep the whole thing under wraps until it was signed, sealed, and delivered but life had other plans. I really couldn’t pretend like this wasn’t happening after a while because it had seemingly taken over my life.

This Must Be the Case Keychain

How cute are these keychains? I ordered them for spare keys and I’m more than a little obsessed.

Okay, let’s rewind.

Before I moved to Hoboken, Mike and I had had a lengthy conversion about Hoboken being a “trial” run. Everyone and every relationship is different, but personally, it was important for me to know you’re compatible with living with someone before, you know… you commit to a life of living together 😉 Our apartment turned out to be a bit of a lemon, although most of the issues were eventually addressed within the first six months. (Once fall came around, it was a much better experience!) Honestly, I think if we had been in a different apartment, we wouldn’t have been so eager to move again. But we had agreed to one year and then looking for a house (or something along those lines) if we knew that was the right thing to do.

Fast forward to January and we had the big “what’s the next step” conversation, specifically regarding our housing situation. We talked about everything on a long drive home from the shore and we pulled into Hoboken feeling excited about starting the house hunt.

I’m going to do a longer post about what I learned about buying a home for the first time, but just to keep it simple here, we immediately started looking online and setting up alerts for homes in our price range in the towns we were most interested in. Mike’s mom has her real estate license and I can’t overestimate just how helpful she was. (Truly a godsend.)

We pretty much started going to open houses every weekend right away. It was my favorite part because even if a house wasn’t perfect or in the neighborhoods we were looking for, it was fun to get ideas for layouts and to determine what were “must haves” for our house. It also gave us a sense of market value and we could watch houses that were priced right selling within a week and houses that weren’t priced right sitting for weeks/months. Looking in January was a bit of a bust though as apparently the real “season” kicks off after the Super Bowl. Once the Super Bowl came and went, we really did see an uptick of houses put on the market and that’s when the home hunting started to feel more real. It’s kind of funny because you start to see the same families at these open houses clearly knowing that we’re all looking at the same towns and the same price ranges.

We fell in love with a couple of properties. One was a completely renovated but overpriced house and the other would need a top to bottom overhaul but also overpriced. I was beginning to feel a little discouraged and more than once I thought, “Are we going to find the perfect house for us?!” I know that with all real estate, you have to make concessions with certain things because “perfect” doesn’t exist… especially if you don’t have an unlimited budget. Which we did not!

In the towns we were looking in, some of the issues that kept popping up were great house at a good price but the property taxes were insane, houses being “too big” (as a young couple with no kids, we don’t need six bedrooms!), or a great house at a great price but not in a neighborhood we were super interested in.

We had extended our lease a couple of extra months to give us some wiggle room for finding a house and as we started to close in on that date, I was starting to get anxious. (Me? Anxious?! You don’t say!) In the beginning of March, one of the overpriced houses that I loved went “off the market.” Unbeknownst to me, it was so they could relist it at a more competitive price. However, as far as I was concerned though, someone purchased it for the asking price (we’re talking over $250k above the comps in that neighborhood) and I’m thinking, “Okay, we’re screwed. If this is where the market is heading, we can’t buy a house in this climate.”

That night was one of two major panic attacks I had regarding the house situation. I think I was feeling defeated (and a bit hormonal haha) and my dream of a cute little house in the suburbs popped right in front of me.

Two days later, I get a text message from Mike’s mom (who god bless her was on vacation) saying a new house had just popped on the market and we needed to get in to see it before the open house because it was going to sell fast. The next week was a blur:

– Thursday, house goes on the market

– Saturday, I go out to see the house privately (and there were two other couples there to view it, too)

– Sunday, we go to the open house and it’s PACKED (and everyone was from Hoboken and also looking for a “first home”)

– Monday, we put in an offer

– Monday night, we’re one of a handful of offers and they tell us to give a “best and final” offer on Tuesday. (I do not sleep.)

– Tuesday morning, Mike and I settle on a competitive price + an offer for a expedited closing (since we have no house to sell) and put in our offer

– Tuesday evening, we got the call that we were selected as the buyers!!!! (Exactly one week after my big panic attack. Crazy how much can change in seven days!!!!)

Everything went pretty normally from there. Finalizing the mortgage, getting homeowner’s insurance, doing the inspection, negotiating over the inspection report, etc. There were a few normal hiccups (like us holding our breath to make sure there wasn’t a buried oil tank) but generally speaking, I think it was a normal experience for the next three weeks. Slightly hectic as we were doing a four week closing, but normal.

Five days before our scheduled closing (slated for April 30), everything fell apart. It’s a long story that I can’t even get into all the details. BUT, I had this weird gut feeling about something, so I created an account on the city’s website to do some of my own investigative digging, and found that a status on something had changed… two days before. NO ONE knew about it (besides the sellers, supposedly) and EVERYTHING came to a screeching halt.

From there, it was like peeling back an onion. Layer after layer. More and more problems. Everything has thankfully been resolved and ultimately we’re getting an even better house than we bargained for. It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster to deal with, BUT it all happened for a reason and waiting the extra two months is more than worth it. (And saved us a lot of money.) Our landlord here in Hoboken was so accommodating and let us go month-to-month while we waited for an official closing date.

Let me just say, I am SO IN LOVE WITH THIS HOUSE. It’s the perfect size for us and what we want/need. Does it have everything we want? (Mike wants a pool table, I’d love an actual laundry room.) No, but it has the important things we want in a first home, including being close to family!

I will, for sure, be sharing more updates on here as well as on Instagram, but we pretty much have a blank slate in terms of decorating. What we already have, we’ll be using in the house… but now we have three bedrooms! And a dining room! And a basement! And a sunroom! And a living room and family room!

Because it’s been a stressful couple of months where I wasn’t even sure if the house would be ours or not, I’ve gone through ups and downs of emotionally detaching and then dreaming of our life together in this home. It feels surreal that we’re actually moving in TODAY!

Some things I’m excited about:

– Being sandwiched between the towns of Mike’s sisters (and his nieces and goddaughter)

– Reading on rocking chairs on the porch

– Having the perfect corner for a Christmas tree!

– The kitchen is dreamy

– Entertaining and throwing dinner parties and hosting casual get togethers

– Having space for friends to stay over

– Ample storage out of sight in the basement

– A backyard to entertain in

– Planting some roots in a new community

Our house is in Morris County and I couldn’t be more excited. (Please send any and all recommendations if you have them! They’re all appreciated!!!) When I first moved to Hoboken, a family friend and I did a “tour” through Morris County knowing that we’d likely be buying a house in the area. She lives in the county and was the perfect tour guide. I kind of “ranked” the towns in my head privately. The day we drove through, I fell in love with this particular town center. As we passed the main street, there were American flags lining the streets, Girl Scouts selling cookies, people walking out of church, a gaggle of women walking into a yoga studio with mats tucked under their arms. I literally though, “this is perfect.” And here we are, just about a year later, moving into our dream house in a picturesque town. Beyond even the house, I’m just so excited for this new stage of life with Mike. We have been dreaming of this and I honestly can’t believe that we’re here!!!!!!!!

I feel like it should go without saying, but I have to anyway… Please, please, please respect our privacy in this. If you do find out where we live, keep it to yourself. It sounds dramatic, but we are at the ready to legally address ANY and ALL issues that may pop up. Cool? Cool. 

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Amanda R.

Congratulations on this exciting new chapter of your life as a homeowner!


CONGRATULATIONS CARLY!!!! I was so excited when I opened today’s blog and saw such a great title IN ALL CAPS! I am beyond thrilled for you and Mike. What spectacular news. Your house sounds amazing and ideal for both of you. I love the visual of reading in the porch’s rocking chairs and the perfect Christmas tree corner. I remember what a special time it was when I bought my first house. Enjoy all of the firsts in your new house and getting unpacked and settled! Congrats to both of you!


I’ve been reading your blog since the Georgetown day’s and I have all the feels right now. Carly is growing up. Also, I stayed up to midnight to read the news and couldn’t be happier. CONGRATS! Can’t wait to see moving and decorating updates! ♥️

Ashley C

Congratulations!! I purchased my first house last year and know what an exciting and stressful time it can be. It is all worth it in the end, though! I hope you’ll be sharing more details (especially pics!) in the coming days, weeks and months. In the meantime, I hope you and Mike enjoy making it a home for yourselves and the pups!


Congratulations on buying your first home!!! It’s honestly one of the best things in life!! Def a process i tell people to take your time on because research is so important!! Can’t wait to see the house and interior design and if any renovations happens as well!!!


I read this comment and immediately thought of the meme “leave Britney alone!!!!” aka, leave Carly alone. Congrats Carly!!! I’m only 25 and know people who have bought a house together already so don’t listen to the haters 😉 excited to see how you decorate! I’ll live vicariously through you in my 400 sq foot studio, haha.


Agreed to the above, let the girl and enjoy her new home. Why does it matter to you if she is married or not, does it really impact your life? Let us all just relax, send positive vibes for a beautiful new adventure for her, and enjoy her content.


Oh my gosh, CARLY! I am so, so happy that you and Mike found your dream first home!! I cannot wait to hear more about the house and how you guys settle in. Congratulations!


Congratulations! I’m happy to hear listening to your gut feeling paid off. I hope you have so much fun decorating your new house!


Congratulations to this new chapter in your life! So exciting! It sounds like a town taken straight out of Gilmore girls 😍
Best wishes,


I am so so happy for you Carly!! I’m actually from New Canaan, I know you’re from Darien. I have followed you since college and you are such an inspiration! I suffer from anxiety so thank goodness that’s over it’s the worst! But it was clearly all worth it because you ended up with your perfect house! Good luck and have fun decorating! That’s the best part 🙂


Yay!!! I’m so excited everything worked out in the end!!! Congratulations!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳💗


Congrats Carly!! What wonderful news. It’s truly wonderful to see what having a dream and working toward it (and the passing of time) can make happen. So excited to see the space + what you do with it!!

Marie Gonnet

This place seems really great, typical things I love! I can totally see me in the ups and downs : )
Thank for sharing this with us, and being honest



Congratulations…It’s going to be GREAT for you all. Looking forward to you sharing recipes (now that you have a real kitchen and backyard to grill) and houseware finds. Good grief there is a lot of product on the market with the majority not worth buying.


Congrats! I grew up in Madison. Lovely towns all around and good places to raise families. Loantaka Reservation is a nice area to walk dogs. The Chatham Bookseller (in Madison) is a hidden gem… used books and like you are stepping back in time.


Congratulations Carly!! What an exciting new chapter for you. Your house hunting process reminds me a lot of how job searching was for me last year- months of nothing and then I found the right job so fast and all at once! Can’t wait to see your home decor updates.

xoxo A


Congratulations! I’m so happy that everything has worked out for you. Best of luck settling into your new home.


Congrats! Buying a house is very exciting. We are currently in an apartment waiting for our second home to finish being built (just relocated to Florida from
NY). We loved our first house and made so many memories. Decorating is a blast – my main recommendation – don’t rush to full every room. Take your time and you will fill the house with pieces you love and will want to take with you and not just stuff to fill the space. It will also save you money in the long run to not have to replace stuff you were not a fan of originally.
Good Luck!

Betsy Storey

Yay! Congratulations to you and Mike! Can’t wait to see pictures of the house.


Hi Carly! Congratulations on the move to Morris County! I grew up in Sussex County (county neighbors!) and it’s such a lovely place to live while still having east access to the city. I totally recommend grocery shopping at Wegman’s in Hanover as well as checking out Denville Dairy in Denville (my friend’s families owns this ice cream shop) for delicious home made ice cream. Lake Mohawk in Sparta NJ is just a short drive for photo ops, and has a great little selection of restaurants too. Good luck on your newest adventure and maybe I’ll see you around town! It’s so amazing to watch your journey with your other half. I’m happy you’ve found someone worthy of your amazing self. Lots of love to you & the pups ❤️


Congratulations to you and Mike on your first home! Looking forward to any pictures you might share. It sounds like you have found a lovely community.


Congratulations to you and Mike in this next season of life. Homeownership is highly stressful and equally rewarding, nothing beats putting down roots and making a house a home. Best of luck on the move, cannot wait to see what you share of the house!!

Allie N.

Congratulations, Carly!! So happy that you found a place you’re so excited to call home. I love that you talked about this also being the next life stage with Mike. I’m moving across the country for my boyfriend’s job, and I’ve been really nervous. Your post reminded me to be excited for the move! Thank you!


Congratulations!!! Sounds like you found the perfect place for you guys, and I’m so glad everything worked out in the end! Enjoy the new space!!


Hi! I DMed you this on Instagram but wanted to post it here as well – if you post a picture of your keys (car, locker, HOUSE…) people can screenshot the picture and take it to a locksmith to get a key made. Congrats on your house! Being a new homeowner is an exciting time in your life!


It’s actually an old key! 😉 trust me, I’m on high alert 🤣🤣🤣


Omg this sounds almost exactly like what we went through purchasing outlet first home!! We closed just a few weeks ago at the beginning of June. Our landlord was reclaiming our rental so we HAD to be out. I was so scared of not finding the perfect place, and that paired with me falling in love with homes so easily and then losing out on them had me on the edge of a nervous breakdown for a month. When we finally put an offer in on our winning home, it was in a bidding war and we even wrote this whole personal essay and sent in photos. Also my husband is self employed which made getting approved for our mortgage a nightmare. I was to the point where I wouldn’t have been surprised if they asked us for our first born child to seal this deal. We were on pins and needles from day 1. But we made it and we love it!! Congrats to you and Mike!! I cannot wait to see your new home and hope the two of you enjoy it for many years to come 🙂


Congratulations! A first home is a WONDERFUL thing! Good luck with all that goes into it!!
Regarding your comment at the bottom – do people really cause you issues if they find out where you live? They act like you’re a celebrity or something??? That is so odd!! And what a scary thing! I guess you just never know with people these days!! Be safe and enjoy your home! And hopefully you will have no issues!!


In my experience it’s really only been an issue with mail being sent…. disgusting things, hurtful things, letters, packages, etc. Don’t want things to escalate


That’s a terrible shame. Sorry you get hate mail in the mail! Anyone who actually takes the time to track someone down just to send nasty or weird stuff must be living a sad life. I only track people down to send nice things. Congrats on your home purchase! I’m currently new-ish to living in NYC so I have no desire to move to the ‘burbs yet. Or ever? I’m a city gal born and raised, so we’ll see how this goes when I hit my 40s. Or late 30s? Not far away. 😉 Congrats again and enjoy your sweet new home! It’s been fun watching you move from UES to CT to NJ.


Congratulations!!! So excited for you both! Have fun getting to know your new neighborhood and embarking on this new adventure ❤️


Ahh I also just bought a first house! Such a process. I totally feel you on the endless searching and Zillow stalking and open houses. Congrats to you!!


We just bought a place a month and a half ago and OMG I can totally relate to the anxiety and craziness of the whole process! Particularly in competitive markets (any contingency in an offer would be straight up laughed at here in DC), you’re feeling on the brink of a heart attack the whole time.

You’re going to have such a blast owning! Yes, things end up costing way more than you anticipate, but it’s so fun to have the freedom to customize every detail—I never thought about light fixtures or cabinet hardware in my rentals, but now I’m obsessed!


Congrats! Buying a first house is such a huge, exciting moment. I can’t watch to read as much, or as little, about the house, town, etc, as you want to share!

Aislinn Santoyo

Congratulations to both of you!! I was so excited to see this post!! Can’t wait to see the pictures of your decorating!!


Having lived in Morris County after grad school, then the City, and now Hoboken, with an eye towards moving back to the suburbs, your experience is super reassuring! Thank you for sharing!

Stephanie D.

Congratulations!! Morris County born & raised (Chester), and I absolutely love the area. You definitely get the small-town charm, the abundance of gorgeous nature & parks, are close enough to the shore for weekend trips, and easy train ride into the city (provided NJ Transit is operating normally 😀 ). Mayo in Morristown has put on some solid shows for great prices. As an outdoor enthusiast, I have to recommend Hacklebarney State Park, Bamboo Brook, and Willowwood Arboretum (all within 5 mins of each other) – I think you’d love Willowwood, it’s a great spot for photography. Also recommend Sally Lunn’s Tea Shoppe in Chester as somewhere that would be up your alley! And while I know it’s not in Morris, it’s close enough – as a croissant aficionado, you MUST go to Liv Breads in Millburn. Their pastry is unreal. A million more reccs I could give, so if you have particular interests let me know!


Carly!!! This is beyond exciting. Congratulations to you and Mike! This is what I am dreaming of for myself, but I think we still have many years to go before it happens. For now I’m going to live through all of your amazing updates! xx

Grace K.

Congrats, Carly!!! I thought you guys were just moving apartments but this is 10x more exciting! I’m so excited to see you get to make a whole house your own. <3


Congrats on your new house!! I went through this process last summer and it’s enough to many anyone absolutely insane, even if they don’t already have anxiety. For me, negotiating about repairs was a nightmare. Not having to worry about moving again for a long, long time is THE BEST!

Sarah Willett

Congratulations!! So excited for y’all and can’t wait to hear more. Hope moving goes smoothly!


Congratulations Carly! I’ve been following you since your college days and it has been so fun following along with all of your milestones and accomplishments! Wishing you and Mike lots of happiness in your new home!

Samantha Findlay

Congrats!! I am so excited for you to be moving into your first home! My husband and I are currently searching for a house and I know how crazy and stressful it can be! Cannot wait to see pictures and read more about it!!! Congrats again!!!


Carly, I am SO happy for you. I’ve been reading your blog for almost 6 years and have seen you go through so much. You, more than anyone, deserve to be happy, and I can’t wait to red about your next chapters with Mike! Congrats to you guys!

Karen J

Congrats, Carly, that’s such a huge milestone!!! I’m also starting the hunt to buy a house, around your age, and live in San Francisco (the market here is notorious) so I’m really looking forward to your post on what you learned!!!


CONGRATULATIONS, CARLY!! (AND MIKE!) Welcome to the NJ suburbs!! Finding your new home sounded like a nightmare….my parents just bought a new house in MN, so I can attest that the market is just crazy everywhere! But, enjoy this time! And I am sure you have already found it, but the Mall at Short Hills is A GOOD ONE, and it is just right outside Morris County 🙂 Happy day!!

xx Libby


How exciting for you and Mike! Cannot wait to see the decorating process. Congrats on this new chapter!!!! Xo

Emily V

I’m so excited for you! I saw on your insta story that the movers were planning for you. We had this service too when we moved from Chicago to Seattle for my job. I felt so anxious not packing, but then was shook when they packed our apartment in three hours 🙊 when it would’ve taken us at least a week.

As a future blog post, I would love to hear any relationship advice, and how you practice communication. It’s always great to hear from other people even if what works for them doesn’t work for everyone.

Shannon Mahaney

Congratulations!!! Home ownership is a pretty sweet deal. Making a house a home is by far the best part of owning a home. I take pride in my home and love that I get to call a piece of SC home. 🙂

Diana P.

Congrats! Oh please do a decor house tour !(inside for your security). I love home makeovers !


You mentioned every thing EXCEPT the kitchen. If your and hubby enjoy going to open houses,continue to go, you will always find idea to use in your home. If you have a yard, beg friend & foe for plants, they will share. ENJOY.

Southern & Style

This is so beyond exciting! I am so, so happy for you & Mike! I can’t wait to see how you both decorate and make the house your own 🙂

xoxo, Jordyn


Congrats! Buying a house is such an incredible feeling! I am so glad everything worked out! Can’t wait to see home tour photos! Any chance you can update the link to the keychain — it isn’t working.

Teri Jordan

Congratulations on your new home and hope you have many great memories there


Congratulations! I’m glad you got a house you love in an area you love.


Congratulations to you both! What a major milestone and I’m sure your home is going to be absolutely beautiful.


Id suggest deleting and not sharing the county you’re moving to if you’re worried about people finding your address.


I’m not worried about people finding it, it’s going to happen, I know how it works. However, I’m hoping people do the right thing and respect our privacy. And if they don’t, we’re ready hah


Congratulations! I grew up in Chatham and cannot say enough great things!! There are some fantastic restaurants in Morristown and Summit. You’re also close to the amazing Millburn Deli and the Short Hills Mall (with a big JCrew in it)


CONGRATS Carly!! I am so excited for you and Mike and can’t WAIT to see how you guys decorate and live in your new home! By the way you describe the town, It sounds perfectly “you” and I can’t wait to see the Americana style I envision you having!! This is such a huge, exciting step in a relationship and I couldn’t be happier for you and Mike!!


Ah! That is so exciting! My husband and I close on our first house next Friday. Hoping to see LOTS of house content on here since I’ll be decorating our new space too!

Meagan R.

Eeeeep! This is so incredibly exciting! I’m thrilled for y’all. Soak it all in, you deserve it. 🙂


I live in Somerset County and I can tell you right now that Morris County is such a fun place!! You’re going to love it!!


Congrats, Carly!!
I’ve been following the blog since the beginning of high school, and this is such exciting news!! I am from Morris County (Florham Park/Chatham) and know you are going to LOVE it. I seriously get so excited anytime I come back from college. Wightman’s Farm in Morristown in the fall for apple cider donuts. Taylor, ham, egg and cheese sandwiches from Market Basket or Hickory Tree. Roots in Summit or Morristown for a special dinner. Please, please reach out with questions!

A Girl, A Style

Oh Carly, I am so over-the-moon happy for you both!! Congratulations on this incredible milestone, and enjoy every second of the new house excitement – decorating, finding your favourite local favourites, and making all those new memories in your new place together.

Briony xox


Congratulations! You’re going to love it. My husband and I used to live in Maplewood, NJ and absolutely loved it. We loved exploring all the nearby towns and would recommend Maplewood, Millburn, Westfield, Summit, Chatham and Madison. Our Maplewood favorites that are definitely worth a visit are Arturo’s, Coda, Lorena’s and Roman Gourmet for the best NJ-style pizza. Also second the Millburn Deli that was pointed out We loved going out to the country to the Ken Lockwood Gorge in Califon to walk the dog. And don’t forget about the shore! We got married in Spring Lake, a very hidden gem. And Manasquan has a great dog beach!


Congratulations! I live in a neighboring county in NJ and love Morris County! I’m sure you’ve been to both towns, but Morristown and Summit are lovely places. Hope you get a chance to explore more soon!


Hi Carly! I grew up in Long Valley which is a town in Morris County and can’t tell you how perfect my childhood was. It is such a beautiful county and it’s even grown since I moved away 10 years ago. I have amazing memories visiting parks, getting ice cream in Chester and taking drives through the mountains and seeing all the leaves change in the fall! Congratulations on your new home!


Hey Carly! Congratulations on the new home – so very exciting!!!

I would love to hear about how you and Mike decided you were ready for the suburbs? I’m about 2 years younger than you and in a similar place in life (established career, committed but unmarried relationship, no kids, etc.) and go back and forth on whether I want to stay in a city or move to the suburbs at this point in my life. (I grew up in the suburbs of Philly and absolutely loved it!) Would love to hear about how you knew you were ready, if you dont mind sharing!

Congratulations again!

Mary Jane

Congratulations on your new home. And no, I am not interested in where you are living. cOOL


Yay! Congrats!! I bet you’re looking forward to a Parent Trap movie night and Meesh’s chocolate chip cookie baking with your family 🙂


I can understand your feeling how hard it was looking for a perfect house for you and Mike but now you have it!!! Congratulations to both of you. Have fun and enjoy decorating it. 🙂

Fernanda Souza Delmas

Congratulations !!! When you described the town I was transported to Stars Hollow, the Gilmore Girls tow’s! I never been in USA but makes me dreaming about. Have a nice moments in this house, that seems perfect!


Ahh! As a fellow NJ-ite who’s looking to buy soon I want to know everything!


HUGE congratulations to you and Mike on this important milestone – your first house! May your home always be filled with love, laughter, and friendship. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.


What an amazing journey! So glad you are in a home of your dreams. May you enjoy your new experiences and have a blessed time in your new home. (-:

Julie Doonan

I am from Morris County and I am 100% certain that you will love it here!

Sofia Kyriakopoulou

So nice to hear you so excited.Wishes to live a happy life in your dream home.


Congratulations on the move and a wonderful home purchase! There’s a tea place called Teaberry’s in Flemington, NJ which I think you would really love. Not too far from Morris County.

Lauren Natalia

Congratulations!!! So happy for you guys! It’s such an exciting time but I totally understand all the stress and emotions that go into buying a home!
Hope you’re having fun moving in and enjoying your new place!

Lauren xx


So so happy for you! Good luck on this next chapter and enjoy decorating 💚

Melissa Anderberg

I sooooo needed to read this right now. I am in the middle of the house buying process but in Denmark, which makes foreigners apply for government approval and my anxiety has NEVER been this high. I have had 2 panic attacks already and am probably developing a stomach ulcer as we speak. I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU that it all worked out! The idea of your own house – a total dream!!


“Over $250k” haha! I live in SF and $250k wouldn’t even get you a shoebox within an hour drive of the city! Looks like I should be packing my bags and moving to New Jersey! Just teasing a little. I am so happy you found a home you love and were able to get a lot of the issued fixed before closing!


Ohhh! Haha. Sorry, totally misread that! I even told me husband we needed to start looking into moving to NJ… Well still, congrats on finding your new home! I can’t wait to see how you decorate it. I just know it is going to be absolutely adorable 🙂

Priyanka Patel

Hi Carly, it was great reading your experience and thanks for sharing your amazing story. The home buying process is very hectic and stressful, I am really happy you bought a new house. Cheers to your new beginning!!


Hi Carly,
I’m in the process of buying another house and need to do some investigation. How do I do this? And was there a lien against the house you bought? I’m anxious bc I think there’s one on the house I’m buying. Any help would be appreciated !
