
Things Keeping Me Sane Right Now

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being totally normal and 1 being the very worst I’ve ever been, I’d say I’m at like a 3. I’m trying everything in my power to keep my thoughts “afloat” right now and there are moments of time where I feel relatively normal and then other times…


My Friends’ Favorite Books

I have been having quite a hard time reading. Ironically I thought when the self-quarantining began that I would be able to blow through books at an unprecedented rate. I didn’t factor in my anxiety and lack of attention span during a pandemic because, well, I’ve never been here before. I found myself completely uninterested…

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From the Archive

Thought I’d round up some of the most popular/most helpful posts throughout the years today. My DMs have been busier than usual lately and I think it’s because so many people (including myself) are on their phones a lot more. If you’re looking for distractions, here ya go! Lots of little rabbit holes to go…


A Book & Series to Read & Watch

In light of everything going on, I toyed with the idea of dropping weekend posts. I’m going to keep them… for now, but I imagine a few posts here and there will be a little “fluffier” than normal. I’m taking things one day at a time in terms of content to keep things as fresh…


Cozy (Spend Responsibly)

As you know, I do product round ups every other Saturday. This is going to be a two-fold post. Maybe actually three-fold. I want to preface this by saying I’m sure I’m not going to say this perfectly. I’m trying my best but I’m also operating with a little 1) We need to spend responsibly….

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On My Radar

Well, this has been a week. (I think that goes without saying, but, like, have to address it.) I’ve been riding waves of emotions. Everything from panic to joy to frustration to fear to peacefulness. I’ve been trying to focus on things to be grateful for (and there are plenty even in a time like…


New At Home Workout Routine

Now that we’re home, and home for a while, I wanted to get on top of my workout routine ASAP. Working out is one of the top things that help my anxiety. While it’s nice to looked tone and it’s great to be healthy and strong, I really work out because it’s so good for…


Don’t Give Up Yard Signs

Over the past month or so, when I was driving around town, I kept noticing these very simple, very powerful yard signs with positive messages. This wasn’t like a “here and there” kind of thing either– some streets had one in every yard!!! Every single time I saw one, I smiled and also wondered where…


Focusing on Mental Health

I know last week I mentioned keeping my blog a respite from Coronavirus. But as things have intensified, I feel ridiculous for not addressing it in some way. I’m still ultimately trying to keep things positive and I’m taking my content calendar one day at a time. One thing that I wanted to mention today…