
Skiing in Snowmass

I was pretty sad when Victoria moved out to Colorado. It was so much fun having her nearby in Rye and New York City… but I also knew I’d get the chance to travel out to visit her. With her birthday coming up and her family flying out for a vacation, I ended up booking…


On My Radar

Ah! It’s been such a fun week. I’ll have a longer update about my trip out to Aspen to visit Victoria, but I have nothing but amazing things to say. The craziest part was that there was a blizzard back home in Connecticut and yet we were skiing in 50-degree sunshine. I was so hot…


Work Bags

I’ve been doing a lot of travel between Connecticut and the city where I have to lug as much as I can with me in a tote. It’s a little more intense than just going into an office since I really have to bring as much as I would possibly need without the respite of a fully stocked desk on the other end of the train.


A Little Life Update

Oh hey, what’s up?! Even though I post on here every day (and Instagram and Snapchat and Twitter, too, of course), sometimes I feel like it’s hard to go into the random everyday life details. They might not fit into to a particular post or make sense to stand on they’re own. That’s actually a…


Kate Spade Surprise Sale 💕 (Just in time for Valentine’s Day!)

My mom just texted me to say that she checked out the Kate Spade Surprise Sale and found a few things she loved. I’m currently stuck in the airport waiting for a delayed flight… but wow, everything is super cute. Especially with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to treat yourself to something cute. (Or send this post to a significant other to drop a not-so-subtle hint.)


Maintaining Long Distance Friendships

I had the absolute best weekend. Not to brag or anything, but I really do have the most special friendships with some incredible people. Top of the list? Nicole. We’ve been friends for over two decades. TWO DECADES. It’s crazy to think that a friendship we formed when we were four years old turned out…


How to Go on an Adventure (and Why You Should)

Even though I’m not what I’d consider an adventurous person, I can look back on all of my adventures with fondness and gratefulness. They’ve made me a better person (or helped me grow) in one way or another. How to Go on an Adventure (and Why You Should) Guest post by Maxie McCoy Do you…


Be Mine

I took these photos recently for a special Valentine’s Day-inspired Instagram for Talbots. I ended up loving the photos so much, I had to share on here as well. And, non-Valentine’s related, I also had to share the most amazing discovery pants-wise. The focus of the Instagram is the cute heart crossbody (that I freaking love), but the pants ended up being the best thing ever.


Bows Galore

I feel like no matter how old I get, I will always love anything with a cute bow on it. I’ve been eyeing so many pieces with bows right now that I had to share.