
Two More Documentaries

There was a little bit of a lull for documentaries I felt like. Or maybe I was just doing a bad job finding them. Who knows! But, over the past few weeks, I had the chance to watch two that I enjoyed. I’ll watch just about any documentary, even if it’s a terrible/low budget one,…


GREAT Items on Sale 🙌🏻

around this morning and found some great pieces that are on sale!

Get 25% off your orders up to $500 or 30% off your order when you spend $500 or more.

Most of the items I rounded up below are great pieces to invest in and rarely, if ever, go on sale. Major win here.


Pumpkin Picking in Plaid

really wanted to go to a real pumpkin patch on Monday. But I had a busy morning getting back into the email grind after being away from my desk all week. Then, as I was getting ready to go, I remembered it was a school holiday. Nipped those plans in the bud. (I try to avoid the weekend crowds for things like that, which we can thankfully do with flexible/non-traditional work schedules.)

I did a bit of Googling and found what looked like a promising nursery. These things are hit or miss, and I couldn’t quite tell from their website. We went anyway and seriously; it was like driving up to heaven on earth for a fall-obsessed person like myself. Mums as far as the eye can see and pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. (Reynolds Farms if you’re in CT; I highly recommend!!)

Plaid Shirt // Corduroy Vest //  Jeans // Similar Riding Boots // Monogrammed Boat and Tote // Similar Necklace // Similar Watch


A Casual Fall Outfit


Slow Cooker Recipes

Now that we are well into fall (with appropriate temperatures to match), it’s officially Slow Cooker Season at our house. We recently switched from Plated to Hello Fresh (so far so good!) and now we’ll be adding one night of slow cooking into our weekly dinners. I like to call it “Slow Cooker Sunday.” I…


Our New Orleans Trip

I went to New Orleans back in 2007 for a summer conference with some of my friends from school. We spent a lot of time in the hotel for the actual conference, but did get out a little bit.  I was excited for a chance to visit again last week. Garrett had a conference there,…


Travel Wraps


On My Radar

This past week has been a whirlwind… between a weekend with Victoria in Vermont to a nice little trip to New Orleans with Garrett. I’m exhausted, but definitely the happiest! Although, I’m for sure looking forward to a low-key couple of days this weekend. More from me on this amazing New Orleans trip (spoiler alert:…


Vermont Weekend

I couldn’t not share some of the photos I snapped on my phone while in Vermont this weekend. Victoria’s family has an amazing ski house in Vermont, and I was so excited to visit them again this fall. (I went up there last October too!) I made the trek up to Massachusetts to meet up with…