With Halloween on Monday, I think this weekend should be an extended pre-celebration. I actually have no plans other than baking some Halloween treats. I don’t really love Halloween as an adult and, to be honest, I didn’t love it as a kid, but I did love the costumes!! My mom always sewed my sister and…
On My Radar
It’s been a head’s down week for me and very much needed. The last quarter of the year is always the busiest for me as the holidays start to gear up. This week was spent digging my way out of an email hole (still not where I want to be) so not much to report! I…
Tartan Flats
I couldn’t wait to show you these flats. Yesterday, I checked the mail and instead of the usual credit card offers and grocery store coupons, it was filled with holiday catalogs. Normally I’d say it was way too early for Christmas, but with all the craziness in the news right now, I’m kind of looking forward the holiday season and the sooner, the better.
Anway, one of the catalogs was Talbots and I spotted the cutest tartan flats:
Barbour in Boston
Traveling Better
I am finally getting the hang of traveling. Or, at the very least, I have a love/hate relationship with it. I do love to travel. *Insert all the sappy travel cliches.* But traveling can stress me out. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been somewhere a million times before or I’m going somewhere new, chances are…
Baby It’s Cold Outside
When the temperatures start to dip, my first inclination is to reach for super simple outfits. The cozier the better. But sometimes simple can mean flat, which is fine for when you’re working from home or running a quick errand. Cold weather accessories are the easiest way to add that little pop to your outfit! And who does cute accessories better than kate spade new york?! No one. I’ve partnered with kate spade new york today to show you three pieces I know I am going to love all winter long.
5 Pasta Recipes to Make This Winter
I think one of the best things I’ve learned how to do in the kitchen is how to make homemade pasta sauce. On cozy, and maybe lazy nights, I love to whip up a simple, fresh pasta dish. I typically go for simple tomatoes and garlic for mine, but Louisa’s recipe suggestions have me ready to…
Hats for Fall
This summer I really embraced the hat trend. I think I loved them for a few solid reasons. One, I have a huge forehead, so anything that covers that up a bit is gold. Two, they’re great when you want to skip a hair wash day (guilty) or if the weather (humidity/rain) is going to be an issue. And three, they add a certain chicness to pretty much any outfit. So a win/win/win as far as I’m concerned.
When summer ended, I was sad to have to put away my summer hats until next year. But I’ve been on the hunt for great fall options.
What Size LL Bean Boat and Tote to Get
Admittedly, I went a little crazy with LL Bean Boat and Totes a few weeks ago. I went to buy one and ended up with three. One of the bags I bought was a mistake and I had to correct it, but since I had it monogrammed… I was stuck with it. Totally fine because…