gift ideas

Mother’s Day Gifts

Mother’s Day is next week. I’m sad that I won’t be able to spend the day with my mom, but I’m sure we’ll talk and FaceTime. (We are doing an Instagram Live this Monday, May 4, at 7pm EDT though! We’re making cookies.) I also already gave my mom her present a little early because…

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On My Radar

Another week and another month in the books. I’m mostly shocked it’s already May. (Insert Justin Timberlake GIF 😉) In my head, I feel like we’re frozen in the middle of March. Not too much to report on the last week. Work has largely returned to normal (minus anything in person obviously) and it feels really good to…


What I Read in April

Not my best reading month in terms of numbers. If I’m being perfectly honest, it’s because I’ve really opted to just sit in bed and needlepoint and watch TV. (I brought an old TV upstairs a couple of weeks ago and hooked up the Apple TV to it… turns out it’s just as terrible as…


Security Blankets

This post is basically a giant love letter to quilts, which are the ultimate security blanket. My mom used to make quilts and my sister and I had a small collection of special ones she had made. And there were quilts and blankets in I’m pretty sure every single room. I always had a couple in…

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Quarantine Q&A

I feel like I have done a Q&A somewhat recently, though it was pre-everything so it kind of feels like a different lifetime ago? Let’s jump right into the questions. (I asked these on Instagram!) Sweater // Jeans  Do you think you’ll have a different outlook on life or your industry after COVID-19? I think…


Stripes for Days

I’m starting this post with an embarrassing story. While external work stuff has slowed quite a bit, it hasn’t completely ended. I still have calls about potential partnerships, my management team and I text/email constantly, and there are various touch-point meetings to go over briefs and campaign deliverables and what not. This isn’t new…. they’re…

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gift ideas

Mother’s Day Flowers

I was so excited when FTD reached out to me about collaborating on a bouquet for Mother’s Day. I’ve been trying to be very selective about who I’m partnering with during this time and a bouquet for Mother’s Day felt just right. I waived my partnership fees and I’m donating the 20% I receive of…


Diary No. 30

Another two weeks in the books. Sharing some snaps from my iPhone. We have had a couple of really gorgeous weekends. Not super warm, but nice enough to sit outside and enjoy the sun. When we bought the house we knew the backyard was going to need a lot of work and right now we’re…


On My Radar

This week was a major rollercoaster. Well, to be fair, it’s felt like a rollercoaster for the past two months, but this week was up and down by the hour. I definitely had my “worst” day since the first week this all went down. I went to bed feeling panicky (I may have Googled “is…