Search Results for: maxie


5 Things to Do When You Have a Terrible Day

As you can imagine, I’ve been having some less-than-stellar days over the past few weeks. I’ve been pulling out all the tricks I have in my book (drinking water, making soup, hot baths, my favorite movies, etc.). Oh, and Maxie’s advice is, as always, spot on. Photo by Carter Fish 5 Things to Do When You…


5 Rituals That Might Make Life Better

Maxie and I are very different in a lot of ways, but we also have some of the same quirks. I think that following rituals is one thing we both do– and love. For me, it’s all about taking a few small moments throughout the day to slow down, decompress, and gain perspective. 5 Rituals That…


How to Go on an Adventure (and Why You Should)

Even though I’m not what I’d consider an adventurous person, I can look back on all of my adventures with fondness and gratefulness. They’ve made me a better person (or helped me grow) in one way or another. How to Go on an Adventure (and Why You Should) Guest post by Maxie McCoy Do you…


What Knowing Yourself Actually Means

I am so obsessed with this post from Maxie. I honestly go through intense periods of “finding myself” where I do (or try to do!) everything Max has laid out here. I wish I had known to do it much, much sooner in life, though. It’s an important practice to get yourself in the habit…


The Ultimate Summer DON’T Do List

This is the first time in a while where I haven’t created a summer bucket list. I’ve been so swamped with traveling and June is already flying by– I just kind of forgot about it completely! I love Maxie’s idea of setting a list of things to not do this summer to make the most of this…



Oh my gosh… I don’t even know where to start with what to do in Paris. If you’ve already been, you’re probably not going to learn anything new here. (But feel free to stick around for the photos or to hear about my experience.) If you’ve never been but want to go, this is definitely…


On My Radar

I am SO excited for this upcoming trip to Nantucket. This is my last little burst of traveling for the foreseeable future. I’ll be there this weekend through Wednesday for the Fourth of July. Then I come back to Connecticut to collect the pups and pick Carter up from the airport and head back to Nantucket a…


100 Days of Meditating

I just finished my one-hundredth day of meditating n a row!!! One hundred days! It seems like such an accomplishment honestly. This is not my first (or second) time trying to commit to meditation, but it’s the first time where I truly understand the benefits of it. The last time I tried, it was actually…