Search Results for: maxie


On My Radar

I am just simply not one of those people that can travel non-stop. Props to you if you’re capable of packing and unpacking and living out of a suitcase and hopping into planes/trains/automobiles. Rinse and repeat. A full week of traveling left me spent, and despite my best efforts to stay on top of work, I…


Create and Cultivate Conference

This weekend, I had the absolute honor of speaking on a panel at the Create & Cultivate NYC conference. I had been looking forward to the conference for months now. My expectations for it were set pretty high because my friends who had gone to previous ones (especially Maxie!) had nothing but positive things to…


On My Radar

This was a solid week. I recently transitioned to a new manager, and I am so happy. I’d be down for sharing more of how it works if you guys are interested. I touch on it in this old post about blogging tips, but I know it can be confusing if you’re not actually in the…


What I’m Loving

Happy Saturday everyone. I’m excited to take it easy this weekend. Hope you guys have fun plans, whether it’s out and about or inside and cozy (no judgment from me). I thought it’d be fun today to round up a few the things that I really love right now. Headspace // I’ve had a number…


Snapshots from San Francisco

I just got back from San Francisco on Sunday after spending a few days there for a wedding. There were a bunch of wedding festivities to attend, but there was still plenty of time to explore and play tourist. SF is such a fun city to visit as a tourist because there is so much going…


How to Connect with Someone Like Carly

My friend Molly’s book is coming out this week! I wanted to help her promote it, so she wrote a (super!!!!) helpful guest post for the blog. We met a few years ago after speaking on a panel together, and I was actually already subscribed to her blog too. This guest is particularly apropos considering…


On My Radar

This was one of my favorite weeks… ever. I got to spend quality time with so many of my friends, even those that don’t live here, this week. I kicked off the week with a brunch at Buvette with Meghan. Then I went to a morning movie (Isn’t It Romantic… not great, not bad) and lunch with…


On My Radar

I was all over the place this week. A couple of low points and a bunch of good ones. I started the week off on the wrong foot and it’s always frustrating to try to get back on track. Let’s just focus on the positives though: – I took time to drive to Target. I…


On My Radar

A few weeks ago, I started implementing a “goals” list of all the things I wanted to make sure I that I accomplished every day. There were certain things that I was already doing every day and others that I was doing almost every day, but more often than not, I’d slip into bed a…