
Christmas Tree Decorations

I had to put up my Christmas tree this week for a blog shoot. I thought my boyfriend might kill me if I did it in the living room and, well, I don’t blame him. So I bought a fake tree to put up in my office. I had thought that I would want to…


Gal Meets Glam Collection, Holiday Edition

I was so honored that Julia asked me to be in the Gal Meet Glam Collection holiday campaign. It was such a fun, whirlwind experience and I love the way everything turned out. I have lived in or near (I have the complete tri-state area under my belt, lol) New York City since graduating college, yet…


On My Radar

My Christmas tree is up and there’s a blanket of snow outside. If you told me Christmas was next week, I’d believe you… I can’t believe it’s only Thanksgiving. Crazy! My sister is flying into town today and we’re going to spend the weekend together having fun in Hoboken (she’s never been!) and NYC. We…

gift ideas

Best of 2018 Buys

Somehow Thanksgiving is in a week. (Is anyone else asking themselves how in the world this is possible??) And then it’s Black Friday and then Cyber Monday… so basically, the holiday shopping season is here. It felt like my gift guides were going up prematurely, but now it feels like I’m behind!! (Remember you can…


BBG 1.0 Review

Whew. Guys, I’m finally FINALLY done with BBG 1.0. If you’re unfamiliar, BBG stands for “bikini body guide” and it’s Kayla Itsines’ workout plan. I originally downloaded the PDF program three years ago. I’d do the workouts here and there, but didn’t commit to the full program. This summer, I started doing a few of the…


Thanksgiving Game Night with J. Crew

My family’s Thanksgivings are usually very low-key. We’re a small family and usually have a few extra family members and friends join us for dinner, but nothing over the top. I like how casual it is because everyone can truly relax. No need to worry about what fork to use. There’s no stressing in the…

gift ideas

Adulting Gifts

I know this seems like such a boring gift guide… but I know a lot of you are in the same boat that I am. My sister, who turns 27 (how?!?!) next month, and I were just talking about how we’re officially old because our idea of perfect gifts are useful things like vacuum cleaners….


Plaid and Ruffles

This outfit is from about five weeks ago. No idea what took me so long to post… I’m afraid the days of bare legs are behind us (until next spring, at least) here in the NYC area. But, I know I’ll be able to bring out my skirts and dresses sans tights when I go…


5 Ways You’re Being Your Own Biggest Obstacle

One of the little mantras I repeat to myself frequently is that I can’t control everything, but I can control myself. When something is going wrong that I have no control over, I can control what attitude I have. When someone does something to me, I can control how I react. Sometimes when I feel…