Family Time

The whole time my family was here, I totally felt like I was in a different city. It’s so easy to forget how cool New York City is when you wake up, go to work, go home, and go to sleep. Even the weekends are a challenge because my friends and I frequent the same…


Ann Hamilton “The Event of a Thread”

I heard amazing things about Ann Hamilton’s “The Event of a Thread.” A few of my city friends had gone and the pictures on Instagram were mesmerizing. I was planning on making a trip down to the Park Avenue Armory to see it and having my family in town made it even better. I tried…


Thank You Cards

While the holiday season isn’t about gifts and presents, making your appreciation known definitely is. Thank you notes for gifts should be sent promptly!!! With the year winding down, this is also a good idea to send notes to people who have positively impacted your year! Professors and teachers, family friends, coworkers, best friends…. maybe…


YIKES! Last minute presents

I’m so not going to judge here, but did you forget a couple of people on your list? Maybe you weren’t quite sure if you were doing a gift exchange? Or you just were too busy to shop at all? It’s totally fine. You still have time! Pandora Subscription | This is a gift that…



Read–ing Drive: The Surprising Truth ABout What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink This is a really interesting book! I brought home a stack of books from the Levo office to read over break, so I’m trying to wrap this one up. I may or may not have been quoting it last week and/or referencing specific…


A little bit quieter

I’m going to be a little bit on the quieter side over the next few days. (I’ll probably have plenty to Tweet about since I’ll be with my family though!) Things are winding down at work (at least a little bit), in preparation for the craziness of 2013!!! And I think it’s now or never…


Everyone Needs a Leslie

I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing 90% of the time. Actually, make that 99%. And the 1% is more or less a fluke. There’s a little bit of trial and error going on. And a lot a bit of “fake it ’til you make it.” Apparently this is normal, but I…


Sponsor :: Bench Prep

BenchPrep is back and better than ever! Whether you’re studying for the LSAT, MCAT, ACT, SAT, or an AP exam… BenchPrep is the place to go for study courses. It’s designed to be used on the go, so it’s perfect for tablets and even iPhones. (If you’re super busy, it’s a great way to constantly…