winner :-)

And the winner of the Kiel James Patrick giveaway is….Number 39- ALANNA from sparkles and sundresses! Congratulations Alanna 🙂 Send me an email so I can pass along your information to KJP!!!I was browsing through the site again and found a collection of bracelets with ponies… Little V would just love love love them! xoxo



Georgetown Boy, me, and California Funk! I have too much to do to do a full post… so sorry!!! But today is the last day to enter the KPJ Giveaway— so make sure to check it out! xoxo


Kind of obsessed

I could spend hours walking up and down the aisle of CVS picking out toothbrushes and toothpaste. It’s more than a little strange. Every time I go to CVS I buy a new toothbrush. I just have to for some reason. I brush my teeth way too much over the course of the day… (I’ve…


Confessions of a College Prepster- Day 3

Okay, I know this is super, super short… but I didn’t have time to write a full episode. I need to keep Adelaide a little bit more up to date! I also want to reiterate that this is FICTION. Adelaide and I have similarities and some of the same quirks (e.g. I totally use my…


The art of letter writing: Stationery

I know, I know…. I said I wasn’t going to blog all week… but I just couldn’t help myself! I’ve been writing tons of letters and lots of thank you notes lately. I’m not an expert on etiquette, but I am a huge advocate of dropping letters in the mail. It’s so easy to shoot…


Kiel James Patrick GIVEAWAY

The College Prepster is teaming up with Kiel James Patrick for a giveway. Get excited. If you aren’t already obsessed with KJP… then check out his website. I love that his products are simple, preppy, and different. Everything is unique to the scene. I’m such a sucker for the buttons too… they add so much…


Spring Weekends

For the past four years, spring weekends have meant: long (sometimes really, really long) bus rides sunburns race plans early mornings weigh ins REGATTAS We just had a race today! A few pictures: Georgetown Boy & California Funk Coxswains!!!Miss Molly! We rowed in high school together- I love seeing Plant friends at regattas So many…


A MUST READ! not a joke!

TEAM UP is up for the PEPSI REFRESH challenge!!!!!!!!! It’s so so so super easy to vote for us! PLEASE HELP US WIN $50,000! You can vote EVERYDAY (pretty please!!!) during the month of April!It’d be awesome too if you could tell your coworkers, blog followers, twitter followers, family, and friends to vote too! UPDATE:…