Search Results for: label/home depot


DIARY No. 97

Here’s what we’ve been up to according to my camera roll over the past two weeks…. Jack got to meet Elsa’s baby for the first time!! We got together in the park and let’s just say, Jack was smitten! I can’t wait to see their friendship grow over the years! This is our life now. Scootering…


Handmade Masks

So I need to start this post with a heavy disclaimer…. these masks are not for the prevention of COVID-19. They’re more of a last resort. I am horrified by the lack of personal protective equipment for medical professionals. Absolutely horrified. I started to see different cities posting on Facebook and social media for a “call” for…

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Daily Outfits


Another week, another week where not much fits. I’m doing something I try to avoid because it never ends well, but to the one person who keeps messaging and commenting that I should just wear maternity clothes…. trust me when I say, the bump has gotten so big that even the maternity clothes I purchased…


RECIPE: Healthy Dinner

So… I’ve fallen off the cooking in my apartment bandwagon again. But, this guest post from Louisa of Living Lou just might get me to start back up. I personally struggle with creating super flavorful meals at home and I love going out to Mexican restaurants. Reading this had my mouth watering!!! YUM. Mexican Quinoa Stuffed…


VIDEO | I’m answering your questions!

So excited that I finally filmed another video. I actually filmed two recently, so there’s another one on its way soon. This is a great example of how to pitch yourself for something. I get emails frequently asking to intern for me or saying that they generically want to help somehow. The problem is that…


My 2014 Favorites

I love doing my favorite things recaps every year. I normally do a top 10 of things, but I’ve been trying to put one together for this year… and it’s a little different than year’s past. 2014 was too great. This post is definitely going to turn into a long ramble of sorts.  When I…


Lazy Clothes

Part of the reason why I love being in Florida for Christmas is that my family keeps things extra low-key. We get dressed up to run errands and go out to eat lunch, but the minute we’re home for the night? Lazy clothes are on.  I always remember to pack the pair of “just in…

Cold Weather

Smells Like Holiday Spirit

I’ve admitted to being a bit of a grinch when it comes to the holidays. For whatever reason, this year is completely different. Last winter, with all those polar vortexes, I think I realized how amazing the month of December is in NYC. It’s certainly cold, but the city is still very much alive! The holiday…

Cold Weather

Après Ski

Garrett bought me this ski sweater from J. Crew and now that I am the best skier ever (ha…..) I feel like I can actually wear it. Actually, I was so excited to wear it that I packed it for the quick trip and wore it in the car ride home. The night we came home from…