Search Results for: label/pottery


Better With Age

I’m not a birthday person, but I do love getting older. I think it’s awesome when someone declares an entire month their birthday month and really makes sure that everyone is held to that standard (no but really, I think it’s so fun when people get into birthdays!)… it’s just not me. I like to acknowledge…


How to Manage Your Email Inbox

Emails are one of those things that are bitter sweet. On one hand, email has seriously improved our ability to communicate. It’s awesome! But then on the other hand you’re always “available” to a certain degree. And everyone is using email. Besides the fact that it means you can reach anyone, it means it can get…


Giveaway :: Pea Pod Paper and Gifts

Get ready for the holidays in style! Pea Pod Paper and Gifts has the most adorable personalized gifts for everyone on your list… but don’t forget to treat yourself too! This is a great giveaway to get geared up for the holidays. Notebook // Perfect for making your lists and checking them twice. Travel Mug…


On My Radar

This week was a blur. On Monday, I thought it was Thursday all day and now that it’s Friday I feel like I blinked and have no idea what I did for the past four days. Really, nothing too exciting. The fourth quarter is always the craziest part of the year as a blogger and…


New Monogrammed Bedding

I’ve been slowly making changes to my bedroom over the past year or so. I’m so bad at this stuff, so it takes me forever until I feel like things are coming together. You know how on television shows when they have the decorator come in and pull the design together in two hours? That’s…


A little Preview

I’m not ready to show y’all my room yet… but I can tell you the bedding I got! Green gingham from Pottery Barn Kids. I’m using sheets from Martha Stewart… just white with lace trim. And I’m using the same pillows from my regular dorm room bedding. The green matches really well! I promise to…


It’s Pronounced Tar-SHAY

As in Targét.  And let me tell you.  They have some FABULOUS finds!  Hello!!! J. Crew last summer!  Soccer Mom and I couldn’t get enough of the Merona Collection.  Seriously.  Find a Target.  And shop. I bought this darling dress.  SM & I saw one really similar to this at Saks for about 400 dollars.  I…


How do you Moms do it???

Oh my lord, I have had quite the week.  I am absolutely exhausted.  “Camp Carly” started on Monday.  I had agreed to babysit a family friend’s 10 year old boy while she drove her oldest son back to college in Massachusetts.  I drove to his house before his dad and other brother left for work….


You might forget to bring…

I’ve been coming up with a list of things that you should bring to the pool, but might forget. There are the obvious things (towel, sunscreen, book, etc.) of course, but don’t forget my list! Here’s my list: Rubber flip flops. Go ahead and wear those cute metallic Jack Rogers to the pool. But make…