Search Results for: label/shift dress


Striped Perfection

This dress has patiently been hanging on my office garment rack for weeks now. (Maybe it’s actually crossed over into “months” territory actually?) I finally decided that I wasn’t going to wait for the perfect occasion or perfect weather… I’m not going anywhere anyway, so do either of those things matter? Not right now. Even…


Red, White, and Blue

Somehow the post I wrote for this disappeared! I’ve never had a post get deleted so I’m wondering if it somehow got published with a different date… If you see if floating around my blog somewhere, please let me know 😉 Regardless, I still have to make sure it gets up in time for Fourth…


Rent the Runway Giveaway

November is almost here. (Seriously one week left of October?! HOW!?) And with November comes the holiday parties. I don’t know if it’s just a city thing, but a lot of holiday events and parties around here happen earlier rather than later. You know what that means… The age old question of what to wear? starts…


Lilly Pulitzer Birthday (Gifts with Purchase + New Arrivals)

In honor of Lilly Pulitzer’s birthday and just in time for the newest arrivals, Lilly is offering some amazing gifts with purchase this weekend! This dress is perfect for a casual Thanksgiving dinner if paired with gold flats and this amazing flamingo print dress is under $100! I think this dress may be one of my…


Thursday Edition: On My Radar

There are going to be back to back Thursday On My Radar posts. Apologies for the break in tradition. Tomorrow I’m sharing one of the dresses from Julia’s new collection (you will LOVE it) and next Friday is a sponsored post (another dress you’ll love!). I am going to have to schedule in a post next…


On My Radar

After a few days of skiing up in Canada, I’m pretty ready to just be home and back into a regular routine. This was a last hurrah of sorts for the holiday “season” and I was dying to just get back to a regular routine. (If you have the chance to go to Mont Tremblant,…

Packing Lists


Packing seems to be one of those tasks you either love or loathe. I’m pretty sure we’ve all waited until the last minute to start packing at some point, only to throw in the towel five minutes in and grab random things from your closet. Or those times when you overpack but still somehow forget…



Kate Spade Surprise Sale

The ever popular Kate Spade surprise sale just started up again.  This bow back dress (also comes in a pink) is absolutely stunning. It would be a really fun prom dress if you were opting to go short. Or just a fun LBD to have in the back of your closet for fancy occasions. I think…


On My Radar

Rabbit, rabbit! This was such a big week over here. What a way to go out with a bang for October. Thank you SO much to everyone who sent messages and left comments about my behind the scenes post and followed up after listening to the Bad on Paper podcast. And for all the hilarious…