
Sweater Blazer Work From Home Edition

This sweater blazer is one of my very favorite closet staples. I wear it frequently and it’s surprisingly versatile. This is not the first, second, or third time I’ve styled it for a blog post… and you can see that it really works in so many different ways.

Casual, business-y, business casual, and (now) super work from home casual.

This particular outfit is a great compromise for me. One step above workout clothes, except I kind of still am. While in theory I love the idea of fun yoga pants, and have plenty of printed and colored pairs, I almost always opt for solid black or navy. These are sooooo smooth. No seams and they wash beautifully. I wouldn’t wear them into an office during normal times, but for working from home if you’re on video calls only? Absolutely.

And since we’re talking about working from home… would love to know how that’s going for you if you’re WFHing still. I miss being able to work in cafes (a lot)– I don’t think I realized how much I relied on that to mix up my routine. But Mike and I have really settled into a good routine together at home. We definitely have more time together, especially with no commutes, and we can find little bits of time together in between meetings and conference calls. Sometimes it’s lunch together and sometimes it’s just an afternoon coffee, but it’s really nice!

Most of my friends are working from home until at least June 2021 or they’re going in once or twice a week on an alternate/hybrid schedule. And I have other friends who abandoned apartments in cities and moved home to work with more space… or packed their belongings to try out new cities in short term rentals.

Just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing!


Sweater (up to 40% off right now) // T-Shirt // Leggings // Sneakers

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I’m still working from home and honestly… it’s really lonely. I didn’t realise how much I relied on chatting with co-workers over lunch or throughout the day to feel socially connected. It seems much more imposing to call someone then to just pop by their office. Definitely something I need to keep working at!


I know exactly how you feel. I’m normally office based but have been working for home since March. I miss my work girl friends and the social aspects of an office environment. Not to mention after work happy hours!


I’m on a hybrid WFH/in office schedule through at least the end of the year (I’m sure it’s going to carry into 2021, just hasn’t been announced yet) – and we are casual in office through at least the end of the year as well. Love how versatile this sweater blazer is!


I”m working from home & have been since April (going into the office for an hour on Sundays). I’m loving it. I didn’t realize how much a coworker was poisoning my well until a few weeks of WFH. My (now) 6th grader is still schooling from home, our choice this semester (she’s been home since March). She misses her friends so much (they google face chat, or whatever daily) but she loves the flexibility of being home, not waiting for everyone to finish an assignment to move to the next & not wearing her uniform.
We’re both living in joggers or leggings and t-shirts and loving not wearing shoes!


It’s so interesting. Two of my friends with middle schoolers have said they (the kids) want to home school until high school no matter what!


Best thing I’ve ever bought! I have two and can’t stop wearing them! I’m a teacher for in person learning and it’s the perfect layer for my room to room music classes!


I’ve been eyeing this sweater for a year and I today’s the day I’m going to get it! That’s for showing it in a few different ways!

Also I have a small biz but also am a nurse and am WFH doing telemedicine since our office building is closed (corporate health center in a finance building) and I am definitely having trouble with boundaries and the blurring of lines between home relaxing time and work!


Oh, thank you for posting! I’ve wanted this jacket for quite awhile and am so happy it’s on sale. Love the outfit inspiration!

Kiersten Hickman

I also have this sweater blazer and I LOVE it. One of my favorite ways to style outfits when I WFH, but I’m all about putting a blazer or sweater over a dress. Why put on pants? haha.


I’m WFH until the end of the year, likely to be extended into the summer but not yet confirmed. It’s been a mixed bag, it’s been nice to have a more flexible schedule but it has been lonely. My coworkers and I have been messaging and trying to meet for walks when able but so so miss going out for a coffee run or going out for lunch. Sometimes I miss getting dressed for work but mostly I’ve been enjoying living in button-ups, and leggings/jeans- can’t wait to add sweaters to the mix!


Working from home with no end in sight. I live alone, and echo the sentiments of other commenters that it’s incredibly lonely. My team hasn’t done a great job of turning on cameras for calls or scheduling anything additional to break up the monotony of being alone all day. Everyone else has kids at home and I just don’t think they’re conscious of how isolating this is if you’re single and live alone. They’ve talked about a potential 2-day per week return in October or November, but at this point I’m concerned we’ll be in another wave at that point and it’ll be bumped again like it has every month since May. I’m not anxious to return to the office as we’re in a communal building with communal bathrooms, but I’m definitely missing the socialization. If WFH became a permanent or longer term situation, I’d also just want the freedom to change up my work location by going to a coffee shop, but that’s not really possible right now because so many in my town refuse to wear masks or take this seriously. Just easier to stay home and stay safe. Sigh.

Dee Goldstein

I just started a new job that is permanently remote. I definitely miss the ability to go work from coffee shops or coworking spaces, but I’m determined to really lean into the home office situation and still try to dress with style even while being comfy. I absolutely love this sweater blazer, but can’t justify the price tag. Could you please suggest any less-pricey options for a similar look?


I’ve been WFH since March and love it. I love the breaks in between projects where I can do a load of laundry or empty the dishwasher and other domestic things that I normally would spend another 2-3 hours in the evening doing when I got home from work. Also, being home with the pets is a huge plus!


YES!! I feel like I’m not as stretched thin when it comes to housework. After working 9+ hours at the office there was no way I was productive with housework when I got home in the evening! It’s so nice to get up & fold a load of laundry or whatever during my WFH day! I honestly think I’ll WFH at least part-time once we’ve beaten COVID because of housework.

Courtney Jenney

I love ALL of the ways you’ve styled it, but this one might be one of my favorites. (Maybe because I’m working from home indefinitely…) At first I loved WFH. And I still prefer it over office-work. But I agree, I do miss going to cafes or libraries.


I just ordered this, it will be perfect to wear on days when I want to “dress up” a bit for WFH! I’m still at home for the foreseeable future and most days I like to wear something professional on top and leggings on the bottom.

I miss seeing my co-workers in person, but we talk/message on Teams constantly throughout the day which I am so grateful for. The only lonely part of the day is my lunch break, but I have been going between Netflix and audiobooks to keep me company.


I love sweater blazers! I know it says “dry clean” but have you had any success machine/hand washing?


I finished my Master’s degree right before the pandemic and shelter in place orders, so my work from home was studying for the MCAT, and I really missed/miss being able to go to a cafe or library to work, too…Now I am just applying for medical school and looking for a job, and the job search part is NOT going well!! I do not mind doing my application “work” from home but just really miss coffee shops again because it helps so much with the more creative writing part when writing essays on my med school apps!! Trying to work in different parts of the house and calling the breakfast bar at home Starbucks hahahaha 🙂


You influenced me to buy this sweater 2 years ago and it is one of my favorite clothing items! Lately I’ve been keeping it on the back of my work from home desk chair to slip on before meetings. It elevates anything I’m already wearing and people are always impressed that I am wearing a blazer haha.


I’m currently a few weeks into maternity leave but was working WFH from March until the birth. My toddler’s daycare closed for six months due to the pandemic, and trying to work and do childcare while pregnant was bonkers! Taking care of a newborn is actually less stressful. I find WFH to be lonely – I’m an extrovert and really miss getting out of the house and having connection with coworkers. Plus I agree with what other commenters said about blurred lines between home and work life. Trying to plan ahead to when I resume work for how to improve the situation!


The more I see this the more I think I need one, it’s funny how many times a blazer feels too much but a cardigan too little!
I’m in NZ and we’ve only had one country-wide lockdown (and one localized one) interspersed by long periods of a slightly more cautious normality. After the first lockdown though, I actually arranged to stay remote so my family could move into our holiday home in a beach town 1.5 hours north of the city. It’s the best of all worlds for me – I go into the office once a fortnight (I work in a museum so the connection to the building and collections is very important to me to maintain); I can go to coffee shops to break things up; all meetings are zoom/meeting room hybrids to cover all workplaces; and because I’m more productive from home I feel more in control of my workday. And I get to live in the most beautiful place!
All this to say that good things can (eventually) come out of the learnings this pandemic has caused! I know America is having a tough time and my heart goes out to those who are struggling. I hope it’s not too much longer until you get to a place of more stability. I think it’ll be a very long time until any of us get to fully relax our caution, pandemics doing what they will and not respecting borders etc., but there is hope even in these strange times.


Love the sweater blazer. I have a few cardigans that are more blazer than cardigan and I love them. I’m hybrid, usually 1 or 2 days a week in the office, but that is completely up to me. I think that when the weather gets bad I’ll go back to WFH all the time. I will say though that I am one of the weird ones who has always gotten dressed for the day. It’s just jeans instead of dress pants and pencil skirts.


I’m still working from home. My company recently announced we would be working from home through the end of the year. Honestly, I love it. I am a huge introvert, so this aspect of COVID has been wonderful. Honestly, I don’t ever want to work in an office again. When my company starts to go back to the office, I may look for a 100% remote role as my mental health has improved. Obviously there are downsides to COVID which have negatively affected me, such as not seeing my mom (Thanksgiving will be a year) which devastates me. But from a WFH perspective alone, I am loving this.


Love this, I received a similar sweater blazer in my Carly ThredUp box last week (Caslon brand, similar color but shorter). My company decided to give up the office lease so we are permanently WFH and even though I miss the social aspects of being in the office, I’m happy to have the commuting time back!


I’m a teacher who is doing distance learning. I go into school 1-2 days a week and work from home the rest of the week. I’m really enjoying working from home…I can sleep a little later and spend more time doing fun things, since I’m not commuting. I know I won’t be working from home forever (or very likely not even for the whole pandemic) so I’m enjoying it while it lasts.
