Egg Salad for One

After being away all weekend and eating out for every meal (travel calories don’t count, right?), I’m definitely going to be hunkering down to work this week and also get back on track with (trying) to cook at home. Lunches are the hardest for me because of my schedule, sometimes it’s easier to opt for…


Find Your Inner Unicorn

I’ve been noticing this trend on Instagram (well, the Internet, but mostly Instagram) about #goals. You know when you see a picture and you comment #goals– maybe it’s a girls’ hair, a cute prom picture, a house that you love, a crazy trip someone took. Maxie is very much a “unicorn” in my mind. She’s…


How to Be a Dreamer

Reading this has to be the best way to start your week. Maxie is here again this week with an incredible post about dreaming. She is one of the most fearless dreamers I know. The photo below? That is Maxie while on her trip in Bali. Pretty incredible.  How to Be a Dreamer Guest Post by Maxie…


Spicy Mushroom Marinara Sauce

YUM! That is all I have to say about Louisa’s guest post today. This looks like a dish you’d find in a restaurant. Not going to lie, when I make pasta I tend to use sauce from a jar that I get at the grocery store. This sauce sounds delicious (love mushrooms) and seems super doable…


Scared or Not, Here You Come

Maxie is here today sharing such a good message. If I had to say one friend who was the most fearless, Maxie comes to mind first. I’ve watched her bravely lead meetings, speak in front of hundreds of people, and travel all around the world alone. I very much look up to her when it…


Rice and Beans for One

I’m going to brag on Louisa for a tiny bit before sharing her post today! Louisa has recently joined the food team at Chatelaine (Canada’s #1 magazine) where she has been writing posts and starring in super informative videos. It’s fun to put a face and voice to the writing! Pretty amazing, right? Now… Louisa is here…


When You Know It’s Time to Declutter Your Digital Life

It’s like Maxie was listening to my inner thoughts the past week when she wrote this post. I’m definitely overdue for a digital declutter session… When You Know It’s Time to Declutter Your Digital Life Guest post by Maxie McCoy Spring cleaning is a “thing” for a lot of people. Get rid of those so…


5 Tips for Cooking for One

One time I found this incredible looking recipe on Pinterest; it really looked delicious. I was super excited to try it out, so I printed it and went straight the grocery store. I did think that it was an unusual amount of groceries for only one recipe, but I checked out and lugged everything home…