
RECIPE: Restart Green Smoothie

Louisa from Living Lou is back today with the PERFECT holiday recipe. Not your typical cookie or dinner suggestion, but the recipe you’ll want to have on hand throughout the craziness of the holidays. Now, I went on a juicing spree a while back and got totally derailed when I started to not like my…


A Perfectionist’s Guide to the Holidays

So Maxie wrote this guest post about the holidays. Of course, I was nodding my head the whole time I read it for the first time. And then! I realized that while it’s great for the holidays, the whole list is basically applicable for the rest of the year, too. A Perfectionist’s Guide to the…


A Holiday Gift You Must Give

Maxie must have read my mind!!! I’m in full-on holiday mode (which, if you know me, is pretty unusual) and starting to feel overwhelmed by everything that the holidays bring: tons of events, travel stress, trying to fit it all in, etc. Oh, and no one wants to be around a stressed out basket case….


Tips for Writing Cover Letters

Jaime and I were blown away by the career questions everyone had. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted one. Jaime is here today kicking off the first of the readers’ questions posts: Tips for Writing Cover Letters by Jaime from The Prepary Thank you all for the amazing questions and career post ideas! We…


4 Reasons to Have a Guy Friend

This is the Maxie-est of Maxie Monday posts! When I was younger, I almost only had girl friends. Maybe one or two guys from class, but really mostly girls. It wasn’t until I switched from the girl’s to the boy’s rowing team in high school that I started making guy friends! And throughout college most…


Double Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars

There’s something about November and December that makes my sweet tooth ache for chocolatey things. I’ve personally been baking brownies and cookies like it’s my job over here…. my mouth legitimately started drooling when Louisa from Living Lou sent me the recipe for these Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars. Yum, yum, yum. Guest recipe by Louisa…


5 Ways to Make Your Day Better

Maxie is one of my best friends and she has certainly seen and heard about my good (and bad) days and vice versa. We’re both good people, but it can be tempting to be a little bit selfish– especially when we’re having a bad day. (You all know I love my massages!) Her advice is…


Recipe: Roasted Root Vegetables

Louisa is here again today with a healthy and autumn-y dish. Roasted vegetables are one of my favorite comfort foods and I love the way she prepares them. (I love the way they make my kitchen smell too while they’re cooking.) Definitely cooking these up this week! Recipe: Roasted Root Vegetables By: Living Lou If I’m…


Why You Need a Tribe

The only editor’s note/preface I’ll say for this amazing guest post is that I would argue we all need a “Maxie” in our lives! ***** Why You Need a Tribe Guest post by Maxie McCoy A year ago was my first ever #MaxieMonday post. It’s pretty hard to believe how quickly time has passed and…