
Organize, Please… Spring Closets

Okay, okay… confession. I really only switched over my closet partly when I wrote this “Spring Cleaning” post a few weeks ago. I was kind of in the process of doing it, but I really needed to just sit down and do it in one fell swoop. My friend Kathryn came over for a project that we’re…


Organize, please… Spring Cleaning Check List

Now that it’s technically spring, I’ve been working on my spring cleaning list. Honestly, it’s pretty boring. I clean my apartment thoroughly every weekend and do tidying up every night… but I’m doing a deep dive cleaning spree. Floors, walls, every nook & cranny. No stone left unturned. Besides the obvious “cleaning” that should be…


Organize, Please… Bathrooms

I truly love my apartment. It’s in a great location, has adorable curb appeal, and (most importantly) has fantastic storage. Two closets, plus plenty of space in the bathroom. I couldn’t be happier. (I do, however, have a not-so-healthy habit of apartment hunting though. I can’t help myself!) Anyway, storage space is really hard to…


Organize, Please… Desks (again)

I’ve mentioned this before, but I seem to keep coming back to it because I’m still wondering what I was thinking. I truly thought that I wouldn’t need a desk in my new apartment. I was obviously trying to be conscience about the space available to me, but the kitchen table seriously doesn’t cut it! My new…


Organize, Please… Clothes & Shoes

One of my fears about moving to New York City was that I wouldn’t have room for my clothes. (It wasn’t very high up on my “fears list,” but it was still something I thought of frequently.) I pictured myself as Carrie-Bradshawing my apartment. That is, storing clothes in every nook I could think of–…


Organize, Please… Memories

Maybe it’s because I’m moving. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older. (I mean, seriously, I’m turning 23 in a few weeks!) Or maybe it’s just because I’ve been spending so much time in my bedroom here at home… but… I’m feeling super sentimental. (Remember this post?) I’ve expressed my fears of turning into a hoarder……


Organize, Please… Nail Polish

It’s official. Sporty Sister and I have a major problem when it comes to nail polish. I don’t think the problem is that bad (sort of…) on our own, but when you combine our two collections it’s a little overwhelming. We like nail polish… a lot. And the real problem is that we have two…


Organize, Please… Bathroom Drawers

I think that the bathroom is one of the most difficult places to organize. I tend to hoard old makeup (even though I never plan on using it again), free samples, random hair things I’ll never wear, etc. The drawers can end up becoming “junk drawers” really quickly. It’s pretty intimidating when you know that…


Organize, Please… Custom Powerpoint Backgrounds

A couple of weeks ago was midterm season, but we are officially in Powerpoint presentation season right now. Each of my business school classes require some sort of final presentation. Of course, after years of putting together “decks” for finals, the presentations really don’t seem like that big of a deal anymore. Groups meet a…