Search Results for: label/christmas


Winter Blues

I am embarrassed that I thought it was actually cold last month. HA.  I am freezing this week.  At night, I legitimately wear waffle leggings, flannel pajama bottoms, a long sleeve shirt, and a thick fleece pullover to bed.  Plus socks.  And I do not sleep in socks….. BRRRRRR. When it’s cold outside, I get the opposite…


Overseas Update from Little V!

Have you missed Little V as much as I have?!?  We gchat regularly, but it’s just not the same!  I miss taking “study breaks” and shopping on M St.  I miss eating dinner together.  I miss listening to the Country Strong soundtrack on repeat.  I especially miss our outfit coordinations!!! Little V’s Update from Oxford….


Hey, It’s OK!

I love these!!!  Unfortunately, it takes me a long time before I can come up with ten different ones (ones that I am willing to share that is!!!), so I can’t post as frequently as I wish!  I think they are always quirky and show funny personality traits 🙂 To politely tell someone to turn off…


The Best Blow Dryer Ever.

You know that age-old question: If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why? Now… I’m not one of those “Oh I’m perfect just the way I am” or “I wouldn’t change a thing” kind of girls.  I know exactly what I would change… in a heartbeat. My…


White Sangria

I am not a big drinker.  Really, my whole family isn’t.  But I’ve been finding these recipes for cute-looking drinks on Pinterest.  This is the one I made for our Christmas dinner.  It’s a “Winter White Sangria.”  (You can find the original recipe here.) Soccer Mom and I made some the other night to celebrate…


Tutorial: Instagram Photostrips

I am obsessed with Instagram.  I just can’t get enough of the iPhone app.  It’s so much fun to take pictures and add fun little filters and effects.  I like how it’s also a mini-social network. Well, I love the app so much that I didn’t want my favorite pictures trapped inside my iPhone for the…


thank you

Have you sent out your Thank You notes after Christmas (or Hanukkah)?  It’s okay, I won’t tell on you if you haven’t yet!!! But now is most definitely the time!!!  I always go to a local stationery store to pick up a pack or two.  This year I went with grey + yellow chevron.  Kind…



College Prep turned three earlier this week!  I have no idea how I missed this big milestone… I couldn’t fall asleep the other night and I was trying to make a list of posts.  And somewhere along the train of my thought, I remembered!  I posted my first College Prep post just after Christmas.  (I…


College Prepster Playlist No. 2

I’m home on Christmas break… and I’m still completely stressed out.  What is wrong with me???  Basically, I need to chilllllllllll out.  The only thing that is seeming to work at the moment is blocking out all the noise in the house (and my head) by listening to a fun playlist.  Here’s the second one of…