Search Results for: on my radar


ON MY RADAR 8.5.22

I’m not even sure which way is up as I write this. We are coming back from vacation– and I am finally feeling settled again. Jack and I both spent this week catching up on sleep and gearing up for his birthday!!! I cannot believe it’s already been a year. Have I been spontaneously getting…



We are (sadly) back home after a wonderful little family vacation. I was not ready to come home, but our journey back home couldn’t have been smoother. It’s quite a trip when you bring your car to Nantucket (you have to take the slow ferry and you have to dock on the Cape), but we…



Wow, it’s July??? Half the year gone in a flash! I feel like I still don’t have a good grasp on time between 2020 and now. I feel like I am in the middle of a carwash or something– no sense of time. (And my ability to recall when certain things happened over the past…



As you read this, we are settling into our family vacation. (I’m writing this before we leave so I can be a little ahead and I’m hoping we are having a great time 😉.) This has been a short week for internet/social browsing between packing, my sister being in town, and then trying to cram…


ON MY RADAR 11.11.22

Oh! 11/11/22! Feels like a good omen kind of day, right? This week has been a weird week– I think because I’m recovering from a lot of fun last week (laid it all out in Tuesday’s post!). I am usually rather affected by daylight savings and it was a little jarring to pick Jack up…


ON MY RADAR 12.9.22

We had a good week here. Playdates, mini roadtrips, holiday festivities. Sometimes I crave a slower life, but I’m really grateful for all the fun we’re having. Most importantly Jack is genuinely having fun and really that’s all I care about right now. Doen top + pants (c/o) Here’s what has been on my radar:…


ON MY RADAR 5.19.23

Happy Friday! We have had some very low-key days and I have to say, they have been welcome. Especially as we gear up for summer activities, I’ve been happy to be home. Getting organized. getting on top of work, etc. Feels good to have a bit of a clean slate before things get hectic. Twinning in…


ON MY RADAR 3.10.23

We adjusted to a new schedule this week as Jack moved up classrooms at daycare (big boy!). Leading up to this week, I was a little worried about how it would all feel. I also made the decision to drop two of Jack’s activities, partly out of necessity (the new daycare schedule didn’t work) and…


ON MY RADAR 5.12.23

As you’re reading this I’m probably heading back home from a quick trip to Nantucket to shoot my collection with Neely & Chloe!!! We’ve been working on this for over a year, so to touch and feel and SEE the pieces in real life is amazing…. can’t wait to reveal more over the next few weeks….