Search Results for: on my radar


ON MY RADAR 5.5.23

Our friends are hosting a little get together tonight for Cinco de Mayo. I’m excited to kick off the weekend with friends and, hallelujah, it looks like we’re going to have beautiful spring weather to enjoy. Woo! Here’s what has been on my radar this week: ONE // Eco-Adventure Passport Micro Kickboard hooked Jack up…


ON MY RADAR 4.28.23

I had a glorious week of catching up on work. There’s this crazy phenomenon that happens all the time… there will be this “dead week” where no no work is coming in, so you kind of panic thinking, “okay it’s over,” and then boom everything comes all at once and everything is due all at once….


ON MY RADAR 4.21.23

We’re down in Florida for the weekend with my parents– excited for a fun in the sun. I packed Jack’s little shorts and, of course, extra sunscreen. Here’s what has been on my radar this week: ONE // AI Made This Vlog I’ve been trying to play around with AI lately, just so I know…


ON MY RADAR 4.7.23

I have to admit that after a couple of weeks of being super lazy, I kicked into full gear this week getting everything back in order and catching up and getting (dare I say it?) a little ahead. I was doing the bare minimum and letting things at the house slip through the cracks…. laundry sat…


ON MY RADAR 3.31.23

Jack and I have been logging our outdoor hours big time. A highlight for Jack was that a neighbor had to have a dead tree removed and it was a production and a half. A bunch of our neighbors (moms and kids) were out watching, too. It was just such a funny little Tuesday morning…


ON MY RADAR 3.17.23

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We’ve had a relatively normal week over here, which is honestly a relief! A nor’easter did roll through early in the week, but thankfully we were spared the worst of it! The wind was more intense than the snow, but it could have been a lot worse. A highlight of the…


ON MY RADAR 3.2.23

I got back from Copenhagen Sunday afternoon and was sooooo excited to be reunited with Jack. Mike is still in London for work, so Jack and I had some extra one-on-one time. We also had our first proper snowstorm of the winter season!! All of the youngest kids in the neighborhood got together for sledding–…


ON MY RADAR 12.16.22

Okay. I felt crazy for putting up our Christmas tree before December started and now I’m so glad I did because… December is flying by?! I can’t be the only one experiencing whiplash over how quickly time is moving. Absolutely wild. Christmas is next Sunday? How did this happen! Such a crazy and fun Christmas display…


ON MY RADAR 2.24.23

Happy Friday! I pre-wrote this before our Copenhagen trip. Can’t wait to share everything we did while there– fingers crossed for a great trip. Here’s what has been on my radar this week: ONE // Cable Cardigans I have two similar cardigans from J. Crew that sold out within a couple of weeks. But I…