
Ireland Video!

I finally got around to going through the video footage from Ireland. It only took me, um, a month. I had planned to go through everything on the plane home but was too tired. I’m so glad I waited though because it made it that much more fun to go through all the different files!…


How to Plan a BIG Trip

I will be the first to admit it… I’m not a good traveler. I know some people live to travel and can pack up a backpack and spontaneously live life to the fullest in new countries. I’m not one of those people. I’m a serious homebody. Even the thought of travel can make my heart…


Giant’s Causeway

Giant’s Causeway was so cool. These rock formations were unlike anything I’ve seen before. It was our first stop in Northern Ireland and beyond worth the visit. We got there a bit late and the weather was a smidge (okay, very) foggy. But I actually thought it made it a better experience, it was quiet…


Packing for Ireland in the Summer

Ireland, in my opinion, is totally one of those trips that you could pack with a carry-on. I’d stick to sneakers, one pair of rain boots, a rain coat, leggings, a pair of running shorts, jeans, a sweater, a plain tee, and a Patagonia fleece. You could really do it. Like an outdoorsy, explore-y, tourist…


Ashford Castle

One of the best places we visited while in Ireland was Ashford Castle. (I’m realizing as I’m writing every one of these posts I keep saying that… I really loved all the places and couldn’t possibly start to pick favorites!) I think we got especially lucky with the weather for a day of exploring the…

Cold Weather

Gap of Dunloe and Dingle

I think this was my favorite part of the whole trip. We almost squeezed the Gap of Dunloe into the day before, but I’m so glad we waited until the morning when we were feeling fresh and rested. IT WAS THE BEST. I mean, it’s quintessential Ireland in my opinion. Exactly what I pictured our…

Cold Weather

Ring of Kerry

Driving the Ring of Kerry was high on our list of must-dos while in Ireland. The “Ring of Kerry” refers to the scenic tourist drive around Kerry. If you’re planning a trip to Ireland, definitely take a day to spend doing the drive. There are tons of tour buses that will take you around, but…


Mount Juliet Estate

Garrett and I flew direct to Dublin. The flight got in right around 10 in the morning. With Ireland being five hours ahead and sleeping on airplanes nearly impossible, we were running on pure adrenaline when we arrived.   That’s the fun part about traveling with friends, we had two things to look forward to:…


Postcards from Ireland

In addition to this morning’s itinerary from Ireland, I thought I’d include some fun iPhone snaps here. I filled my camera roll up with photos this trip. I tried to go through and organize them on the plane home and it was like reliving each place all over again. Mount Juliet was hosting a wedding when…