
Organize, Please- Bathrooms

“Enough organization, enough lists and we think we can control the uncontrollable.” – John Mankiewicz(^ The last name gives me a really bad feeling in my stomach. If you go to Georgetown and knew me last year, you know why.) I’ve been reading all the comments you guys have been posting on my Giveaway post…


Stop! Whoa, Now back it up.

I’ve heard the horror stories about laptops crashing and the owner’s losing EVERYTHING. I started getting paranoid when I realized have had my laptop for two years! (Which also means I graduated high school two years ago… AH!) I haven’t had any problems with my macbook– knock on wood– but I want to play it…


Old School

Alright, first let me confess that I typically do NOT lose things. EVER. (I better knock on some wood right?) Probably due to my really bad ear issues on the plane, I FORGOT to pack my iPod before departing my flight from London to DC last week! I emailed the lost articles place (there’s no…


Travel Tags

Summer is the best time for traveling. Just as the airport baggage claim says, “Many bags look alike.” A trip could easily be ruined with lost luggage! I won a giveaway last winter from Boatman Geller– also one of my favorite favorite favorite stationery companies! I received four sets of Luggage tags!!! That means I…


The College Prepster’s BIG Giveaway

The long awaited, much anticipated giveaway has finally begun!What makes the giveaway so big??? There are five separate giveaways! Monogram Personalized Wall Art $25 dollar gift certificate for Vinyl Monogrammed Stickers Lilly Pulitzer stationery and Whitney English stickers Kiel James Patrick headband and a SURPRISE SUPER SECRET giveaway Since this giveaway is a little larger…


Exciting New Things for CP!

Oh my goodness… this is going to be quite the week over here at College Prep. Read the whole post, because there’s lots of news! First, I’m starting a new, temporary blog! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am cleansing my life of the unnecessary. One of my issues is that I have…


Guest Post- Outfits

[College Prepster Note: I completely messed up and didn’t post this while in England… my bad!!! I’m so sorry Holly! But I do love this post, so I hope everyone takes a few minutes to read it!] As many of you know Carly is having a wonderfully preppy and posh time in England, and she…


Dear KS

Dear Kate Spade, I am in love with everything. Please hire me when I graduate. xoxo Carly Soccer Mom and I were just in Saks. And we saw all of these handbags and clutches. To die for, right??? I love grosgrain!



I love to read magazines. It makes me so sad when I find out about another one going under… but I will relish the ones still being published! My favorite is Real Simple. I drool over every page. I can’t get enough of the tips for organization. I love how everything is just, well for…