Guest Post- Polo

I’m so excited to be guest posting for Carly here today, she has one of my favorite blogs around! When Carly asked if I would post about riding and showing horses, I nearly jumped out of my skin to hug her. I’ve been riding for 10 years, and still am like that 7 year old…


Father’s Day & Henley Update

As you guys know by now, most of my posts are scheduled since I’m overseas. I completely forgot to schedule a Father’s Day post!!! Don’t worry, I did get to send Soccer Dad a text message to wish him a happy Father’s Day. This is one of my favorite favorite favorite pictures of my dad…


If you have a child…

PLEASE GET THIS BEDDING. I am lusting over everything from Serena & Lily. The bedding is exquisite. The photographs are oh so dreamy. NurseryI love love love love love love love this pink & green Precious bows Master/Guest room Boy Girl I can’t imagine ANY little girl not feeling like a princess in these beds….


Henley Tour- Update #1

Greetings from Henley. We made it safely across the ocean; I thought the flight went by super quickly actually. Big Mike was my plane buddy– it was a very sought after position among the group let me tell you (not). The whole group: Me, Hanky Poo, Timbo Slice, Big Mike, Chuckarooski, Coach and his wife…


Guest Post- Dorm Room

Guest Post by Livin and Lovin Now that I’ve graduated from high school, college is just around the corner! I’m so excited for the new experiences, new challenges, meeting new people, and the first time being away from home! It’s a world of opportunity and can’t wait to dig my feet in!As I begin to…


Plane!!! (with funny videos!)

Hello Hello! While you’re reading this, I’m probably somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean… on my way to ENGLAND! I seriously cannot believe the day has come for our epic journey to England for the Henley Royal Regatta. Here are some videos of us… we had practice at 5 am and we got bored while our…


Dog Person

I am not a dog person. I used to be afraid of them. Hard core. Frankly, the whole “domesticated animal” thing freaks me out. I LOVE my cats, but if I think too much about how their dirty and gross paws walk over the floors we step on, it grosses me out and don’t even…


Team Up- Blog

Hey! The TEAM UP 2010 blog is up and running!!! And they’re blogging LIVE from South Africa! Follow their trip HERE. I’m so sad I couldn’t go, but it’s awesome that I can read what they’re up to– and you can too! xoxo


Soccer Mom is kind of a genius

So here are the pictures from Sporty Sister’s REAL (none of this “non” party stuff for her) graduation party. Honestly, prepare to be blown away by Soccer Mom’s latest–and so far best– vision. The chandelier decked out in Orange and Blue. The china cabinet converted in Sporty Sister’s personal trophy case. [Do not get me…