Preppy Crunch!

I love my blackberry. (Even though I’m drooling over the Droid… I feel like I need the star gazing app- so much fun to play with!) My favorite part about Blackberries? BBM [Blackberry Messenger] of course. However, my new favorite freshman (I guess they’re rising sophomores now)… anyways he’s awesome and we’re kinda twins. Everyone…


1/2 Done with college- Say WHAT?

Hello there sophomore year. You’ve gone by so fast! This year was so much fun and lots of crazy. Here are some highlights: The Snowpocalypse – who could forget the entire week of no school? The Grassroot Project Seeing General Petreaus speak Some more snow Seeing Hillary Clinton Bebe’s debutante ball Rubik’s cube (even if…



Someone asked me on my Tumblr what kind of hair products I use. Here goes it. I have super super super curly hair. If you don’t have curly hair, it’s hard to understand how difficult it is to manage. Especially when you live in Florida. The humidity is crazy. I used to straighten my hair…



Settle in girls, it’s Story Time [Anyone like broadway musicals? Shrek perhaps?]: Way back in January, I was sitting in a 15 passenger van crammed in the last row between two rowers driving back from Columbia, SC for our winter training trip. The driver was dead set on being the first van back to campus…



Not the Little V Victoria…. Victoria’s Secret. Before I even begin, Victoria’s Secret makes me extremely uncomfortable. Anything about undergarments makes me uncomfortable. [Side note: I could never bring myself to say the “b” word…. I can’t even type it without cringing… we referred to bras…AH… as bananas in our household for a long time.]…


Head’s Up

I want to put together a BIG BIG BIG giveaway when I reach 400 followers. If your company wants to team up with me, shoot me an email! Also, California Funk and I are trying to compile a list of things that every boy prepster needs! If you have any ideas or suggestions email me!!!…



My Lilly Pulitzer highlighters are in high demand in Lau (our ugly library). Actual Gchat conversation: Boy: your highlighter is coming in handy me: and it’s fabulous right? Boy: i feel more fabulous after every line i highlight me: 🙂 Obviously I changed the name to protect his identity…


what is tumblr?

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what tumblr even is and why I need one and how does it work. I think the best way to describe it is as “micro-blogging.” It’s more random, quicker, and spur of the moment. You don’t have to spend an hour typing a full “post” like you…


Lacrosse Recruits

Being at a university with no Greek system, being on a sport’s team is such a great way to get involved, meet people, have school spirit, and have fun! I love being a coxswain (I am not personally a huge fan of having things thrown at me…) and I love my team. I can’t imagine…