Search Results for: label/painting


Five Ways to Braid Your Hair

I was standing at a crosswalk waiting for the light to change the other day. My dress was completely sticking to me. My hair was frizzing more and more by the second. And when I closed my eyes, I could have thought I was in an oven. Not Union Square. This heat wave thing is…


Monogrammed Bags

I’m on Nantucket right now for the last couple days of my week here. We’ve had the best time and I really am tempted to just, like, not go home. But before I start sharing some of my photos here, I had to share this monogrammed bag I got from J. McLaughlin. I saw on Instagram…


Five Fun Ways to Welcome Spring

Oh, hello there spring. Finally. FINALLY!!!! The weather is wonderful. The city is absolutely coming to life right now. You know that scene from The Secret Garden where everything comes into bloom? Yep. That’s what is currently going on. Everyone is out and about, eating outside and running with puppies. I have most definitely missed the whole…


“Treat Love and Color” by Essie

For my seventh birthday, my mom and sister gave me this little treasure box (that had photos of puppies all over it) filled with nail polishes. It was such a fun gift for a little girl. I remember going through the box picking out a neon yellow and an electric blue for Fourth of July. I…



One thing I’m really passionate about is hobbies. I think it’s becoming a lost art and, yet, they’re so important. So many people have no idea what their hobbies are, or what their interests are outside of family and work. We live in a society that puts a huge emphasis on turning hobbies into side…




My friend Grace just did this post last week and I loved reading her responses. I am going to steal her post idea! After reading her post, I was sitting there really trying to dream up what I was looking forward to the most “after.” I’ve been trying to just take things one day at…


It’s Pronounced Tar-SHAY

As in Targét.  And let me tell you.  They have some FABULOUS finds!  Hello!!! J. Crew last summer!  Soccer Mom and I couldn’t get enough of the Merona Collection.  Seriously.  Find a Target.  And shop. I bought this darling dress.  SM & I saw one really similar to this at Saks for about 400 dollars.  I…


On My Radar

Sorry for the radio silence over the past day or so! I got some kind of stomach bug and I’ve only been able to nibble dry toast! Hopefully, this is it as far as winter sickness goes for me. Fingers crossed. I also wanted to give a quick housekeeping update… The College Prepster app is…


What to Do If You Hate Networking

When I opened Maxie’s draft of this, I knew I was going to love it. I am so anti-business cards. I always used to have them on hand when I was in college and would hand them out when I thought it was appropriate. It wasn’t until I was on the receiving end of business cards…