Search Results for: label/painting


Diary No. 15

I weirdly don’t have too much to share from the past two weeks. My camera roll was pretty low on the content 😂 My mom surprised me with an Hermés scarf for my birthday. I pretty much always tell my parents to not get me anything because I have everything I need… this was so…


Needlepoint Canvases

Needlepoint has been around a long time, but it’s totally going through a bit of a resurgence right now. After seeing one too many super cute designs on Instagram and watching my friend create a one of a kind belt for her husband, I decided to give it a try. Or, you know, jump on the…



Diary No. 16

A day late for this one! Lots of fun things happening over the past two weeks. I was so, so excited to decorate our stoop for fall. I probably did it a little too early, but I was eager. Two straight days of 90 degrees took a toll on my orange guys so….. whoops. I’ve been…


Beauty Empties Vol. 2

Time for another round of beauty empties! I’ve been tossing my empty products in the cabinet under the bathroom sink and realized it was getting a little crowded in there… I actually may just need a better system because it’s like a black hole!! ROUND ONE: L’Oréal Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara: This was a drugstore buy…



I’ve never been more ready to say goodbye to a month than I am right now. Happy for a clean slate starting tomorrow and a short month, at that. Trying to line up a few fun things to make it even more enjoyable. LAST WEEK’S WIN: I have a tie for last week. 1) The…



Diary No. 35

The past two weeks flew by. I’ve been so fascinated with perception of time during the past few months. While this seems like one of the longest years I’ve ever experienced, I’m simultaneously mind-blown that we’re already halfway through. Anywayyyy– here’s what my camera roll has looked like over the past two weeks! We came…


On My Radar

Oh man, last week was so rough for me mentally but I am very happy (and very relieved) to report that this one was much better. I had been really struggling with the reality of this “new normal” and coming to terms with the disappointment of it all. But I have some things on the…


On My Radar

I have a full weekend of house projects lined up! From assembling furniture to doing a little bit of painting and working on our yard some more. I have to say, I find these things to be so rewarding. Every week, it feels a bit more like home!! Hosting a little giveaway to celebrate hitting 10k…



Does anyone else feel like this year is moving at warp speed?? I spent the first bit of the year in a daze, but I feel like I just looked up and all of a sudden it was mid-March. I couldn’t believe how quickly St. Patrick’s day crept up. ON MY RADAR 3.19.21 The afternoon…