Search Results for: label/snow


Organize, Please… GMAIL

I am a gmail addict and have a huge system worked out. I have a few email accounts.  An AOL one (I know, so 1990s) that I use for pretty much everything, my Georgetown address, and a few gmail accounts. (Speaking of email addresses, you can reach me at carly [at] thecollegeprepster [dot] com) Before I…

Daily Outfits


This week. I don’t know what to say other than to say it feels like my internal clouds have cleared a little bit? It’s a mix of a few things: our trip away, having a week dedicated to grunt work for my business and the house, a ton of fun with Jack, a lot of…


Cold Weather

Winter Boots I LOVE

I wish I could wear ballet flats year round. Unfortunately, that’s often not the case in the winter months. (I do try to push the limits of this as much as I can though.) Instead of my beloved flats, I have a collection of winter boots that I love. These are all boots that I swear…


Half Snow Day!

Last night rumors around the dorms were circulating about school cancellations.  I was honestly hoping that we still had class because I really wanted to get my ethics midterm out of the way.  I can’t have it hanging over my head anymore!  My roommate and I woke up to our Blackberry’s buzzing about classes being…



I’m currently sitting in the library with California Funk. He’s doing homework; I’m sitting here catching up on blogs, listening to pandora (Hey, Soul Sister by Train station… haha, that’s funny), gchatting (I’m obsessed with Gchat, add me if you ever want to chat: collegeprepster [at] gmail [dot] com), and reading Post Secret’s Sunday Secrets….

Daily Outfits


I had an unsurprisingly low key week again. Lots of casual, comfy outfits per usual. We have a LOT of snow in our forecast, so I imagine I’ll be going even more cozy as the week goes on. WEEK OF OUTFITS 2.2.21 LAST WEEK’S WIN: Getting OUT. Mike and I had such a fun time…




This week was kind of “magical.” I FINALLY rounded the corner in terms of my work stress (which always peaks the two weeks following Thanksgiving) and slowly dipped my toes into feeling the holiday spirit. I think I pinpointed that I was feeling a bit of grief over this year. Particularly how the holidays will…


The NYC Winter Olympics

Because it’s colder here than Sochi and I think we’re all quite over the weather (snow, thunder snow, ice, etc.), let’s have a little fun with the winter Olympics. Garrett and I were at dinner and he started coming up with hilarious Olympic events… that we all compete on a daily basis here in the…


Giveaway :: Jack Rogers

Okay, so I know that I shouldn’t play favorites… but, I mean, it’s really hard not to when the giveaway is with Jack Rogers! The brand is a serious favorite of mine (I begged my mom to let me get a pair when I was in high school) and I absolutely love working with the entire…